• 17/01/2023
  • homesmartjp

10 ways to solve the frustration of the iPhone

10 ways to solve the frustration of the iPhone

10 ways to solve the frustration of the iPhone

ほとんどの人にとって、iOSの働きぶりは優秀ですが、それでも些細なイラっとすることはたくさんあります。しかし、ほんの少しの努力で、その手の問題のほとんどは解消でき、iPhoneを自分好みにすることができます。【全画像をみる】10 ways to solve the frustration of the iPhone今回は、悩まされがちな10の問題とその解決法をご紹介しましょう。1.Delete unnecessary Apple apps 2.Re -set the default browser and email client 3.Block the banner of the smart app on the website 4.More comfortable browsing using Safari extension 5.Disable search on the lock screen 6.Reduce spam using "notification summary" 7.Use another backup service 8.Disable siri 9.Customize the layout of the home screen 10.Disable automation notification

1.Delete unnecessary Apple apps

Every iPhone has a set of Apple apps, but there are many things that are useless.You should delete unnecessary apps.What I deleted immediately was the "hint" app.After that, Apple's "Map" and "Podcast" apps are also deleted.The App Store has a wonderful app to replace Apple apps.The Apple's "Podcast" app is definitely a low level, so first check out the list of iPhone's best pod cast apps.In addition, there are alternative apps such as "Memo" application "Bear" and "Pages" ➞ "Microsoft Word", "Google Document", "Map", and "Google Maps".

2.Set the default browser and email client

Fortunately, iOS can choose default browsers and email clients.If you don't like "Safari" or "email", you should replace it with another better app.Instead of "Safari": Instead of "Firefox", "Chrome", "Duckduckgo", "Mail" apps: "Outlook", "Spark", and "Gmail" For those who can use "Safari" as a default browserWith the wise extension of the party, you can open the link directly in the app.Instead of opening the Twitter link in the official app, you can use "Tweetbot" to a default Twitter app by using the "Tweetbot" Safari extension.Similarly, Reddit links can be opened directly in "Apollo".

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