• 17/08/2022
  • homesmartjp

Can you return to your normal heart with a word of "Switch"?Former women's volleyball team players are also confused vague instructions

 So we get lost.

"What? How should I switch?"

 It may be violent to find the answer, but it may be violent to put together with the word old -fashioned, but the leaders and teachers who frequently say "Switch!"When you ask, "Don't be sweet!" Or "Think for yourself!"Only there is like "suddenly?"

 When I talked to Naomi Masuko, a former volleyball Japanese female national team, I was saying this based on my own experience.

"At the time of active duty, I said" Yes! ", But I couldn't switch (bitter smile). I thought," How do I switch! "? So, I dragged things that wouldn't work.Is it. Did you tell me how to switch? "

 That's right.We are all in trouble without knowing it.But if you don't know it, your performance will not go up forever.I don't know, and I have to do it with a kindness, "Is it like this?"

 Everyone has a weak place.Even if you are usually done, you will be involved in various things, such as your condition, the atmosphere of the game venue, the referee and the compatibility with the opponent team, and you will not be able to drive normal.

「切り替えろ」の一言で平常心に戻れる? 元女子バレー代表選手も戸惑った曖昧な指示

 I think it's better to think about what to do to come back, try, try, and learn from a young age when you are a little blurred or not.

 For example, SC Freiburg U12 Director Yohim Evre, a soccer soccer, said.

"If there are times when the children get worse in their heads, not only" Shut up! "Or" Be patient! "I'll give you an approach to "Let's do it." I can make my feelings a lot calm by giving words. So I can shout only a word in "Mo" or "What is it."Never say the team, complaints and rants for the referee. "

Naomi Mashiko felt the men and women of the Tokyo Olympics

 Mental is important.Attention is essential.But no matter how much mental control you can do, if you don't know what you need to do, you can demonstrate your strength.In that regard, it was very impressive that Mashiko listed the women's valley in the Tokyo Olympics (Olympics) as an example.

"The girls were also injured by Ace, but as a result they were lost in qualifying. I was watching the game quite a bit on the Internet.

 It is difficult to compare simple, but boys have made specific tactics, "I have to do this to fight in the world", dramatically progress, and break through the qualifying league.I think you've done what you can do.Men's Valley had a long time when I couldn't go to the Olympics, but it really evolved.This time, no matter who you look at, "The boy was amazing!I think you can say.

 In such a boy, 80 % to 90 % of the instructions at the timeout accompanied by technical instructions, and "What happened here in the next play?"] And the coach heard.However, 80 % of girls say, "Let's switch here" or "I'm patient here."Mental is also important, but honest, it hasn't changed since ancient times.When you are in trouble, for example, when the receiving is disturbed, toss is usually gathered in the ace of the left, but I think that losing there is an old flow.I think the boys were breaking away and studying good valley, so I felt it was a difference this time. "

 In order to create an overall composition, it was once again felt that it was important to be not satisfied with the glory of the past, not satisfied with the status quo, and to carefully analyze what kind of efforts needed.

(Yoshinosan Nakano / Kichinosuke Nakano)

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