• 23/06/2022
  • homesmartjp

Reservations and payments of transportation services are completed with au Pay app, and "au Moves" starts

~ The first is a highway bus.Commemorative campaign such as 1,980 yen between Tokyo and Osaka ~

December 22, 2021

KDDIと沖縄セルラー電話はDecember 22, 2021から、au PAY アプリで交通サービスの予約、決済が完結する「au Moves」を提供開始します。お客さま情報や決済手段の登録不要で手続きでき (注)、au PAYの決済により0.5%のPontaポイント (1ポイント/200円) がたまります。

As the first installment of "au Moves", "AU MOVES High Speed Bus", which can be reserved for high -speed buses in partnership with WILLER Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, CEO: Shigetaka Mura, hereinafter, willer).Provides a mini app.From the same day, to commemorate the launch of the service, we will hold three campaigns, such as 1,980 yen for express bus rates between Tokyo, Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya and up to 20 % Ponta points.

In the future, "au Moves" will expand the transportation methods corresponding to a taxi and rental car, as well as a highway bus, as well as a fixed -price riding service "MOBI".

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Phone uses mobility to connect local life under the concept of "turn moving into excitement."

Please refer to the attached sheet for details.

■ About "au Moves high -speed bus"

1. 概要

A series of procedures such as search, reservation, payment, reservation inquiry, cancellation registration, etc. can be completed on the au Pay app.It can be used not only for au but also for everyone who has a smartphone / tablet.The payment method is au Pay (net payment).

2. 利用方法

■ About "au MOVES high -speed bus" start commemorative campaign

To commemorate the launch of the "au Moves Highway Bus", we will carry out the following three campaigns.Click here for details of the campaign.

1. 4列シート「Relax (リラックス)」席数限定! 片道1,980円キャンペーン

(1) Overview

During the period, the Tokyo -Osaka Line and the Tokyo -Nagoya Line will be sold for 1,980 yen for a limited number of seats during the period.

(2) period

au PAY アプリで交通サービスの予約・決済が完結、「au Moves」開始

販売期間: December 22, 2021~2022年1月23日利用対象期間: 2021年12月29日~2022年1月23日

(3) Target flights

The following flights operated by Willer Express "Relax"

(4) Price

During the 1,980 yen period of one way, the number of seats is limited (1,082 seats in total).

(5) How to use

Reservations and advance payments are possible from "au Moves highway bus".To make a reservation, you need to acquire an au ID (free) and registration (free of charge) (free Pay).The campaign mark and a ticket with 1,980 yen will be the campaign applicable ticket.Due to the limited number of seats, the regular price is displayed in the case of sold out.When boarding, please present the reservation reception confirmation mail to the crew.There are no tickets or tickets.

2. 眠りのための快適シート「ReBorn (リボーン)」席数限定! 片道3,980円キャンペーン

(1) Overview

The three -row seats "REBORN" of the Tokyo -Osaka Line and the Tokyo -Nagoya Line will be sold for 3,980 yen for a limited number of seats during the period.

(2) period

販売期間: December 22, 2021~2022年1月23日利用対象期間: 2021年12月29日~2022年1月23日

(3) Target flights

The following flights operated by Willer Express "Reborn"

(4) Price

During the 3,980 yen period of 3,980 yen, the number of seats is limited (306 seats in total).

(5) How to use

Reservations and advance payments are possible from "au Moves highway bus".To make a reservation, you need to acquire an au ID (free) and registration (free of charge) (free Pay).The campaign mark and a ticket with 3,980 yen will be the campaign applicable ticket.Due to the limited number of seats, the regular price is displayed in the case of sold out.When boarding, please present the reservation reception confirmation email to the crew.There are no tickets or tickets.

3. 全線対象! 最大20%Pontaポイント還元キャンペーン

(1) Overview

Return up to 20%Ponta points to all high -speed bus tickets purchased at "au Moves Highway Bus".

(2) period

販売期間: December 22, 2021~2022年1月23日利用対象期間: 2021年12月29日~2022年1月23日

(3) Maximum reduction

10,000 points/period per 4u ID

(4) How to use

If you make a reservation / advance payment from the au Pay mini app "au Moves highway bus", you will return up to 20%Ponta points of the purchase price.The point addition date is scheduled for the end of February 2022.To make a reservation, you need to acquire an au ID (free) and registration (free of charge) (free Pay).