• 22/01/2023
  • homesmartjp

How to use Android smartphones and iPads well

How to use Android smartphones and iPads well

AndroidスマホとiPadを使っている人なら、どちらのデバイスを使っていても、すべてのデータに簡単にアクセスできたらいいのに……と思うのは当然でしょう。【全画像をみる】How to use Android smartphones and iPads wellところが現実は、そう簡単には行きません。GoogleもAppleも、それぞれのプラットフォームからユーザーが離れることを望んでいないからです。でも幸い、こうした制限をうまく回避するための方法はあります。ぜひこの記事で、iOSとAndroidの両プラットフォーム間でデータなどを同期する方法をチェックしてみてください。

 How to use Android smartphones and iPads well

Synchronize photos and videos in the cloud

Most people take photos on their smartphones.If you are a smartphone, it is always in your pocket, and your smartphone usually has a much higher camera performance.But when looking at photos and editing them, it's probably the iPad that goes up.The iPad has a larger screen, and you can use Apple Pencil, so it is easy to correct the photos.Also, for the editing of videos, the M1 iPad with unprecedented power will be much easier.If you want to share photos of Android smartphones on the iPad, the easiest way is cloud storage.Services such as "Google Photo", "OneDrive" and "Dropbox" can be obtained on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store.Install these apps on both devices and turn on the camera upload function.Then you can see the photos taken with the Android smartphone on the iPad and the iPad on the Android smartphone.Just connect both devices online and access the service server.Download: Google Photo for Android | iOS (free [in -app charge]) Download: Microsoft OneDrive for Android | iOS (Free [In -app Paid]) Download: Dropbox for Android |


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