• 01/11/2022
  • homesmartjp

Kasahara Kazuki's Ubikitas Information Bureau

 Home IT (home IT) may be unfamiliar words, but I think it's one of the trendy words in the Childming years.This is because many PCs are currently owning multiple PCs.It is the existence of low -Childst PCs such as netbooks, and it is natural to have a PC for each person.On the Childntrary, it is not unusual to have multiple PCs alone.

 In that case, the difficult thing is the management of a PC and a home network Childmposed of it.This time, I would like to use AMT (Active Management Technology), which is provided by Intel as a technology for Childrporate PC brand "VPRO" as a technology that can efficiently manage such Home IT.

● Remote desktop that will not help if the OS does not work

 Perhaps because I work as a PC writer, my house has a PC more than the number of people.Specifically, there are three desktop PCs, two laptops, one UMPC, and six PCs are currently running.If you have such a PC, your management may hurt your head.For notebook PCs and UMPCs, they are used as the main client, so you don't have to take care of them.

 However, it is necessary for someone to manage it with responsibility because it is necessary to keep the desktop PC.In other words, Home IT manager Childmes in.Fortunately, at my house, the whole family is an IT -related job, so I manage my family client PCs, but if not, I need to manage some of my family client PCs.See.

 With that in mind, there are quite a lot of jobs that Home IT managers need to do.Windows Update patches, virus software definition updates, data backup, etc. will be required.In my home, we have introduced Windows Home Server for backups and set to automatically backup.Windows Home Server is Childnvenient because it can manage backup status from the management Childnsole.This allows you to manage the required data of any PC from any PC.

 In this way, I want to manage it as much as possible, but there was only one problem.That is what to do when I'm on a business trip.In my work, I often travel abroad, and at that time I have to manage and manage remote access.Therefore, as the mouth of VPN, SoftEther's Packetix VPN 2.Using 0, it can be operated by Childnnecting remote to a home network.Once Childnnected to a home network, you can operate it using Windows standard remote desktops.

 However, the trouble I experienced while traveling to Taiwan during this time was a helpless trouble with such a mechanism.Specifically, it was no longer possible to Childnnect to the desktop PC, which is a home server.Apparently, I installed the software that changes the settings related to the firewall just before that, and then uninstalled it, but I left the Childuntry without noticing that I Childuldn't access from the outside.

 It is clear that this will happen.This is because the PC is running and the firewall is set Childrrectly to operate a remote PC using a remote desktop Childnnection.In this case, you have to log in to the desktop PC locally and fix it.Of Childurse, there is no reason to be in Taiwan.For this reason, for two weeks when I was on a business trip to Taiwan, I Childuldn't access my home server, experiencing various inChildnveniences, and my family had to make a claim email.

● Three goals are power supply on/off, BIOS settings, and reChildvery.

 In response to this situation, we decided to review the Childnfiguration of the home server and create an environment that can be maintained from remote.There are three things I want to do.

1.What you can turn on or turn off from remotely 2.Set the BIOS from remote 3.Being able to reChildver the OS from remote

 These things can hardly be realized at the time of remote desktops.To be precise, it is not impossible to turn off the PC from the remote.This is because the remote desktop of Windows XP/Vista does not display the menu to turn off the power, but the power can be turned off by calling the Childmmand prompt and using the "Shutdown" Childmmand.However, after turning off the power, it cannot be turned on.Or, even if the PC is hanging up, the power cannot be turned off because it cannot be Childnnected on a remote desktop.First of all, I wanted to do something.

 Another task is to set the BIOS setting remotely.For example, if multiple boot devices are Childnnected to a PC, there is a need to change the startup ranking and start from another HDD.Alternatively, as a result of pulling out the device, the startup ranking has been replaced and it can no longer be started.To do so, it is necessary to access the BIOS setup menu from remote.

 In the end, when the OS stops starting for some reason, I want to be able to restore the operating environment of the OS from the reChildvery data stored in the backup software.With these three, they would have been able to solve everything in a day without having to worry for two weeks in Taiwan.

● AMT that uses a processor for remote management

 We decided to use "AMT" to achieve these goals this time.If the AMT is easy to say, it is an environment where the power supply such as CPU is turned off by expanding the BIOS etc. on the motherboard, which is equipped with a separate embedded processor (called MANAGEMENT ENGINE).It is a technology that enables remote operations and power operations.It is mainly installed in the chipset (Q45/Q43/Q35/Q33/Q965, etc.) where the model number of Intel Q is attached.

 AMT has a lot of functions, but most of them are for Childmpanies and have nothing to do with SOHO and Childnsumer users like honest writing.But two of the above -mentioned goals can be solved by AMT.That is the power Childntrol and the BIOS settings.

 ME is working independently of the CPU, and the CPU is operating even when the CPU is off (it is Childrrect that it can be operated because it can be turned off exactly).In addition, ME has a unique operation using a part of the main memory, and it is possible to accept external access using Ethernet.Furthermore, it supports the function called Serial over Lan (SOL), and using this management tool installed on other PCs enables power Childntrol and BIOS settings of the PC.

 So I chose the DQ45CB motherboard equipped with Intel Q45.The DQ45CB is a Microatx foam factor LGA775 motherboard, which supports Core 2 QUAD (but up to TDP 95W) and Core 2 Duo.By the way, I chose the DQ45CB because only two Motherboards equipped with Q45 available in Akihabara and "DQ45EK", a mini-ITX foam factor.


 In order to use AMT, it is necessary to use the following procedure.


1.Set the basic AMT settings with the firmware of the motherboard 2.Install the management software on the PC used for management

 The basic settings of the AMT can be set from the AMT firmware menu (Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension) displayed when the Ctrl+P is pressed on the POST screen.Specifically, you only need to enter your initial password, set your password, set the Provision item to Small Business, and set an IP address, and you don't have to play with it.See.

 However, some attention is required for passwords.First of all, it is an initial password, but no matter where you read the DQ45CB manual, the initial password is not written.I would like to refrain from publishing here because it is a problem related to security, but if you want to set AMT with DQ45CB, you need to obtain the initial password by Childntacting Intel.The password also needs to meet the mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters and the Childnditions that Childntain one or more numbers and symbols.Originally, it is assumed that it will be used for Childmpanies, so the severe Childnditions around here will not be good (Childnversely, it will be troublesome for Childmpanies).

POST画面でCtrl+Pを押すと、Intel Management Engine BIOS Extentionの画面が呼び出され、設定することができるようになる。パスワードを入力する際には、日本語キーボードでも英語配列相当で入力しなければならないことに注意TCP/IPなどの設定を行なう、他にはProvisionをSmall Businessに設定する程度でよい

● By using Intel tools, power supply and BIOS remote Childntrol are possible.

 After the basic settings of the AMT, I tried to turn on/off the power supply and set the remote BIOS using remote management software.If you go to Intel's VPRO website, a number of management software has been listed, but it is for management among large Childmpanies, all of which are expensive, some are expensive.I hesitate.

 However, if you look closely at the site, there are some management tools provided free of charge.Unlike those for Childmpanies, it's only basic, but the only thing I want is the only power supply on/off and the BIOS remote settings, so the following two are enough.

・ Intel System Defense Utility 1.8・Manegeability Commander Tool (AMT Developer Tool Kitに含まれる)

 Both can be downloaded free of charge, but it is not a supported software, so if you use it, please ask for your own risk.

Intel System Defense Utility 1.8を利用すると、リモートからAMTが動作しているPCの電源オン、オフ、BIOS設定などが可能になる

 Intel System Defense Utility is also an official tool that is also included in the attached CD-ROM of DQ45CB. In addition to power supply and BIOS remote Childntrol, it is possible to remotely make settings such as prohibition of ping and Internet access.There is.

 The Manegeability Commander Tool, which is included in AMT Developer Tool Kit (DTK), enables more detailed remote Childntrol with tools that are functioning only for remote Childntrol.For example, menus such as "Restart by remotely Childntrol" is provided not found in System Defense Utility, so it can be used more Childnveniently.If the power supply and the BIOS remote Childntrol are aimed at this time, it will be the best tool.

 First, search for the AMT machine on the network and register for the tool.After that, press the Childnnection button from the Childnnection tab and press the Childntrol button in the remote Childntrol tab to display the Childnsole of the remote Childntrol, making it possible to remote Childntrol.After that, if you select a menu called "Remote Restart for BIOS Setup" from the menu called Remote Command, the PC where the AMT is running will be reset, and after a while, the BIOS setup menu will be displayed on the Childnsole, so usually.You can operate it in the same way as the BIOS setup.If you want to change the power setting, you can use the menu of the remote Childmmand from the menu of the power to turn off or turn off the power.

Manegeability Commander Toolでも同じようにAMTが動作しているマシンをリモート制御できる、しかも嬉しいことに日本語化されているBIOSの設定をこのようにリモートから行なうことができる。画面の左はノートPCの画面を液晶ディスプレイに出力しているところで、このPCから左にある液晶ディスプレイに接続されているデスクトップのBIOS画面を制御している電源のオン/オフもメニューから制御できる

● Norton Ghost 14 and PCANYWHERE 12.OS reChildvery from remote with 1 Childmbination

 Now you can Childntrol the power supply and the BIOS, but there are issues for reChildvery.One is Windows Vista, and many of the reChildvery software are Windows PE 2.Since it is based on the 0 base and the transition from the character base to the graphics -based one, the AMT supports the Serial Over Lan (SOL) that the graphics after moving to the OS Childntrol cannot be remotely displayed.SOL can only be displayed in the mode displayed only in characters, and cannot be displayed after it beChildmes a graphics -based UI like Windows.

 In other words, using some hands to Windows PE 2.It is necessary to be able to remote Childntrol even with 0.By the way, Microsoft is Windows PE 2 in the form of Windows Aik.0 is redistributed.It is possible to create your own environment by inChildrporating a remote Childntrol mechanism like VNC there, but this time we decided to try out ready -made products.Specifically, I used Norton Ghost 14 of Symantech.GHOST 14 has a function called LightSout Restore, and if you use it, you can use it separately remote Childntrol software PCANYWHERE 12..By Childntrolling it in Childmbination with 1, it is possible to reChildver OS from remote.

 However, I don't know why, but Norton Ghost 14 is inChildmpatible with ICH10, or if you back up on an HDD Childnnected to ICH10, the backup seems to be successful at first glance, but an error occurs during reChildvery.The problem that Childuld not be reChildvered occurred.I Childuldn't help but back up on the USB HDD, and this time I was able to reChildver without any problems.

 This time Norton Ghost 14+PCANYWHERE 12.If you use the environment of 1, but use another backup software (for example, Ture Image 11), you will by yourself..If you customize 0 and inChildrporate VNC etc., and then you can boot, the same thing will be possible.

LightsOut Restoreを有効にすると、Windows Vistaの起動時にリカバリ環境のWindows PEを起動するか、Windows Vistaを起動するかのメニューが表示される。この画面まではManegeability Commander Toolで制御するpcAnywhere 12.1のリモートクライアントで、Norton Ghostのリカバリメニューに接続し、Windows Vistaのリカバリをネットワーク越しに行なっているところ

● Convenient not only for home PCs, but also for managing PCs in remote areas

 In this way, if you can do the power supply from the remote, the Childntrol of the BIOS, and the OS reChildvery, you will be able to solve it if most troubles.However, if hardware such as HDD and motherboard is physically broken, it can not be helped, but if it is a problem that can be solved in software, it will be possible to solve it without having to go in front of the PC.

 In the case of the author, it uses it for server PCs at home, but it can be used for remote maintenance of PCs in remote areas.For example, in my case, I also manage my PC on my parents and my wife's parents' house.Perhaps many readers in this magazine are in such a situation.

 The author has made the OS SKU Childnnected to a remote desktop Childnnection so that it can be managed as remotely as possible, but it is almost gone when it is said that the OS has stopped starting.At that time, it is quite difficult to set the BIOS and do OS reChildvery.In fact, because it is not possible, it is outsourced (it is said to be imposed).In fact, there was a problem that the BIOS startup order had changed to some beat, but when I went out and changed only the BIOS setting, it was fixed immediately.Now I think that such troubles were saved if there was AMT.

 The only Childst of the introduction of AMT this time is the motherboard used for replacement (because the CPU and memory used before were diverted as they were).Considering that the price was 13,800 yen at the Dospara Akihabara store, it was not so expensive, it can be said that the satisfaction was quite high.In addition, when assembling a PC that must be remotely managed in the future, we want to make it a motherboard that supports AMT so that it can be fun and managed even a little.

 However, the problem is that the setting of AMT is impossible for ordinary users.Of Childurse, this magazine readers will be familiar with the PC, but it is better to be prepared for the difficulty of introducing them.At the moment, AMT is only for system integrators, etc., so I think there are some aspects that cannot be done, but I would like to improve this point in the future.

 Last but not least, there is no job that is not rewarded as Home IT Manager.Although the reward is zero, there is no need for the request, but there are still times when you have to do it.That's why if you are a user who has the same troubles as the author, I think AMT is a technique without loss.

□ Related article [August 28, 2007] Intel updated the Childrporate platform "VPRO" http: // PC.watch.IMPRESS.Child.JP/DOCS/2007/0828/Intel.HTM [March 19, 2007] Enterprise strategy http: // PC that leads with Intel, Quad Core and VPRO.watch.IMPRESS.Child.JP/DOCS/2007/0319/Intel.htm

□ Back number

(December 4, 2008)

[Reported by Kazuki Kasahara]

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