• 24/01/2023
  • homesmartjp

[Latest in 2022] Thorough introduction of UQ Mobile's great campaign information!

UQ Mobile is a recommended service for the following people.

[Recommended person]

If you think "it may apply to you", consider a UQ mobile contract!

In addition, UQ Mobile also offers various campaigns, so it is recommended to use it.

This article introduces a great campaign that can be used when applying for UQ Mobile or for those who are already contracted.At the same time, the precautions when using the campaign is also explained.

In addition, we will explain how to apply and how to cancel, so if you are interested in UQ Mobile, please refer to it.

UQ mobile

【UQ mobileのキャンペーン】

Click here for details of UQ Mobile

  1. UQ Mobile's latest campaign
  2. Precautions of UQ Mobile campaigns
  3. How to apply for UQ mobile
  4. How to cancel UQ mobile
  5. UQ Mobile's common questions
  6. Summary: Let's use the great campaign of UQ Mobile

* Information for February 2022

UQ Mobile's latest campaign

Here, I will talk about the latest campaign for UQ Mobile.

It is advantageous to sign a contract at an online shop with abundant campaigns.

SIM only & Kurikoshi Plan+5G Returned to au Pay balance by contract

Quotation: UQ Mobile Online Shop Limited campaign.

If you purchase only SIMs from the UQ Mobile online shop, and then contract a contract for the Kurikoshi plan at the same time, the amount according to the contract method will be returned to au Pay balance.

ESIM is very convenient because you can start using it in about 45 minutes after ordering.

内容契約内容に応じた金額をau PAY残高に還元する
条件UQ mobileオンラインショップよりSIMのみ購入し、同時にくりこしプラン+5G(S/M/L)を契約

Since the target model is fixed, make sure that your model is eligible for the campaign.

People who buy a new model are in a hurry because the stock of the target model may disappear!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Target model+new contract au Pay Remains up to 5,000 yen equivalent (tax -free) redemption

Quote: UQ Mobile

The next campaign is also charged with au Pay balance.

内容au PAY残高へ3,000円または5,000円還元される
条件UQ mobile オンラインショップより対象機種を新規契約でくりこしプラン+5Gを契約

It is applicable only for contracts in an online shop, so be careful if you contract at the store, so it will not be applicable.

I'm glad that the target models are abundant!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Speaking of 60 years old or older

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign that if you are over 60 years old, you can choose an unlimited plan.

内容通話オプション「かけ放題(24時間いつでも)」の月額料金が永年1,100円(税込)/月割引 さらにメールサービス(税込220円/月)無料

In the tweet below, the call is "flat -rate 700 yen", but to be precise, the unlimited all -you -can -say is 1,870 yen/month, 1,100 yen/monthly discount for 770 yen/month.

However, you need to select "unlimited (24 hours)" for calling options.

At the time of application, people who are "60 years old or older" are eligible!

Also, if you want to use "Career Mail", you need to apply for "add options" after a UQ Mobile contract.

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

UQ smartphone

Quote: UQ Mobile

It applies to new contracts, changing from other companies, transferring numbers from au, or changing models.

If you purchase the target model at the same time and join the Kurikoshi Plan+5G, you will receive a maximum of 22,000 yen (tax included) from the model price.

The discount amount depends on the condition whether it is a new, transfer or model change.

条件新規契約 他社からの乗りかえ auからの番号移行 機種変更 と同時に対象機種を購入、くりこしプラン+5Gに加入

Please note that the discount amount is different depending on the contract.

When you buy a popular model, you will hurry while you have stock!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Home set discount

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign where the smartphone fee is discounted when you join au Denki or the target Internet service.


The monthly usage fee will be advantageous, so the procedure may be difficult, but if you are likely to be eligible, try it like a tweet below.

In the case of Internet courses, it may be necessary to subscribe to options such as landline phones.

Note that it cannot be used together with "UQ Student Discount" or "Denki Set Discount"!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

UQ support discount

Quote: UQ Mobile Home set discountに加えて、条件を満たせばさらにスマホ代が割引になる可能性があります。

条件18歳以下で、対象の料金プランに新加入するか、既に加入している人が機種変更 家族はUQ support discount【U18】と同じHome set discountグループに新加入または既に加入

If the UQ support is applied, it will be nice as the tweet below.

Note that Plan S will not be eligible in the three plans of UQ Mobile.In addition, the hurdle is set high, such as applying for au Denki separately to apply it to the family.

Be careful as you can not receive a discount if you apply for a store!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Join Apple Music from UQ Mobile / au for 6 months!

Quote: UQ Mobile Appleが提供する音楽サブスクリプションであるApple Music。これを6カ月間無料で提供するというキャンペーンです。

内容Apple Musicを6カ月間無料で使用できる
条件「くりこしプラン+5G」を利用中で、UQ mobileからApple Musicに加入

Of course, those who already use Apple Music are also eligible.However, it is important to note that if you leave the contract you joined in the original Apple, it will be a double billing!Before joining, cancel your previous contract.

It is important to note that even if you cancel in the middle of the month after six months, the fee will not be a daily price, but it will take a full price!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Increased option Ⅱ Free campaign for 1 year

This campaign is that the data will be increased for 13 months.


Like the following people, there may be cases where the amount of increase options Ⅱ does not use more capacity.Check your monthly usage before applying for the campaign.

Plenty of the Internet can be used.

In addition, after the 13th month, the monthly fee will be 550 yen, so let's remove the option if necessary.


If you cancel once, be careful not that there is no re -application!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

The first e -book purchase is full of exposure!

Quote: UQ Mobile

You can get a discount coupon that can be used when purchasing for the first time in the "au book pass for au Pay Market".A discount coupon that can be used next time will be given.

内容500円割引クーポンと次回購入時に使える50%offクーポンがもらえる 購入金額に応じて使用できるクーポンももらえる
条件「auブックパス for au PAYマーケット」で電子書籍を初めて購入
期間2021/10/4(月) 10:00から。終了日未定

It's a perfect campaign for those who like reading!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

YouTube Premium 6 months free offer campaign

Quote: UQ Mobile

YouTube has a paid subscription service called YouTube Premium, such as advertisements.

This is a campaign that can be used for free for 6 months.

内容YouTube Premiumの利用料1,180円(税込)/月が、UQ mobileから加入すると6カ月間無料になる
条件UQ mobileのスマートフォン5で対象のプランを契約中で、 UQ mobileからYouTube Premiumに申し込みを行う

Please note that if you apply from the YouTube app, it will not be free for 6 months.

The same applies to the application from the YouTube Premium page!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Kurikoshi Plan+5G Data Present Campaign

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign where you can get data capacity if you change the plan to "Kurikoshi Plan+5G".

条件2021年9月1日までにご契約したUQ mobile料金プランから「くりこしプラン+5G(S/M/L)」にプラン変更

Like the following tweets, if the amount of data is left, you will be able to enjoy the Internet with plenty of feelings.

This is a plan for smartphones (5G).In order to use 5G, a smartphone compatible with 5G is required.

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

UQ Mobile → au transition program

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign that has already signed a UQ mobile and has a benefits when a certain period has passed and transition to au.

内容移行翌月から最大3,850円/月(税込)を12カ月間割引 年間最大46,200円の割引

You can get a significant discount.

Note that UQ Mobile's carrier email address cannot be continued.

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

AU SIM riding award bonus (cashback) is not eligible!

AU Pay Smart Loan New Application & Contract Up to 2,000 Ponta Present

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign for those who have applied for a new smart loan.

If you borrow a total of 50,000 yen or more by the end of the month of the new contract, you can receive a ponta point worth up to 2,000 yen.


借り入れの予定がある人は利用してみましょう。 Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Smartphone trade -in service used

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign in which a certain amount of money is returned by replacing or changing the model from another company.

内容他社からの乗りかえ、または機種変更をした場合、対象機種に応じた金額が還元 乗りかえで最大64,350円還元、機種変更では最大44,000円還元

[In case of model change]


Depending on the target model, you can get a significant discount!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

SIM change fee is profitable!

Quote: UQ Mobile

This is a campaign for people who are currently contracting a SIM card not supported VoLTE.VOLTE is a high -quality voice call function.

条件VoLTE非対応SIMカードを契約中で、UQ mobileのVoLTE対応SIMカードに変更

If you want to use a VOLTE compatible SIM card, let's use it.

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

AU Pay is a great deal this spring!

Quote: UQ Mobile au Payの利用でPontaポイントが最大10%還元となるキャンペーンです。200円ごとに20ポイントが発生するので、10%還元となります。

内容au Payの利用でPontaポイントが最大10%還元
条件キャンペーンにエントリーしてau Payを利用した方

You can enter from the campaign page.

AUPAY has internet payment and code payment, but the campaign period varies depending on the payment method.If you pay for code, you can use the campaign longer than online payment.

The maximum reduction of points is 3,000 points per 4u ID.The breakdown is up to 1,000 points in the city, Lawson and the Internet.It is returned to 500 points per time.

Don't forget to enter!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Original goods will be hit by "Demon Blade Smartphone Fukuburi"!

Quote: UQ Mobile 条件を満たすと鬼滅の刃のオリジナルグッズが抽選で当たるキャンペーンです。


Aupay is eligible for both code payment or online payment.

The following original goods will be hit by lottery.


Furthermore, 10 people have made a total of more than 5,000 yen (tax included), and the following goods will be hit as a special award.


Don't forget to enter with AUID from the campaign page.

It is a product that you want to get if you are a fan of the demon blade!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

Precautions of UQ Mobile campaigns

So far, we have introduced the UQ Mobile campaign.

As described in each condition, depending on the campaign, it may not be eligible!

Precautions of UQ Mobile campaigns

I will explain each point to note.

Applications are required for the target plan or the target page to receive the campaign

If there is a description of the target plans and pages under the conditions of each campaign, it will not be applied except for non -target plans or target pages.

In particular, it may not be applicable for contracts at stores or entry packages, so please check carefully before applying for the campaign.

Set au Pay by the time you receive the cashback

Some campaigns can get cashback from au pay.

In this case, be aware that cashback may not be received unless the au Pay has been set in advance.

Riding from au may not be eligible for the campaign

Among the campaigns, there was "UQ Mobile → au Migration Program".If you change from UQ Mobile to au, there are benefits.

So what happens if you change from au to UQ mobile?

In fact, in this case, there are no campaigns and benefits, but may not be eligible for the campaign.

Don't misunderstand the riding source and the place of riding.

How to apply for UQ mobile

Here, we will explain how to apply for UQ Mobile.

In some cases, you may want to continue using your smartphone and buy a new smartphone.

[If you continue to use your smartphone]

  1. 対応端末の確認
  2. SIMロック解除
  3. MNP予約番号の受け取り
  4. オンラインショップで購入
  5. SIM開通手続き

Although there are some differences depending on the source of the transfer, this is the flow.

Especially when switching from au, it is easy to check the corresponding terminal → purchase at the online shop → open SIM.

[If only SIM is replaced with a new contract]

  1. 対応端末の確認
  2. SIMロック解除
  3. オンラインショップで購入
  4. SIM開通手続き

If you want to buy a new smartphone, you only need to buy at an online shop → open SIM.

When receiving cashback, you may need to set up au Pay.If you haven't yet, let's keep it in advance.

[Registration method of au ID]

  1. 「au ID新規登録(UQ mobileの方)」
  2. 4桁の暗証番号を入力
  3. SMSにて確認コードを受け取り
  4. SMSの確認コード入力
  5. パスワード等の必要情報を設定
  6. au IDの登録が完了

This completes the registration of the au ID.

At first glance it looks complicated, but it's easy to actually try!

Click here to apply for UQ Mobile

How to cancel UQ mobile

Conversely, I will also explain how to cancel the UQ mobile.

When canceling, there are two cases, MNP transfer and cancellation.If you take over your current phone number by another company, MNP is transferred, and if it is not taken over, it is canceled.

In the case of MNP transfer, obtain an MNP reservation number online from My UQ Mobile → apply for another company.

On the other hand, cancellation without MNP accepts procedures only by telephone to the UQ customer center.

It's convenient because you can easily cancel!

UQ Mobile's common questions

Four frequently asked questions about UQ Mobile.

UQ Mobile's common questions

Be sure to know before the contract!

Can I use the UQ Mobile campaign together?

There is also a campaign that can be used together.

For example, UQ support can be used together with cashback.

Other than that, check in advance whether your target campaign can be used together with others.

Is UQ Mobile eligible for a campaign even when transferring from au?

This is not the target of the campaign, as mentioned in the preceding notes.

UQ Mobile is not eligible for transfer because of the same company as au.

Which is better for UQ Mobile at stores or online stores?

The online store is better.

There are some campaigns that have been introduced so far that are applied only in the case of online stores.

Can UQ mobile be used on my iPhone?

It is available.However, if the iPhone is locked, it is necessary to unlock the SIM.

Summary: Let's use the great campaign of UQ Mobile

UQ Mobile is a recommended service for the following people.

[Recommended person]

The following is a list of UQ Mobile campaigns.

割引または特別価格の提供等お金の得になるキャンペーンau PAY残高、Pontaポイント等現金以外での還元サブスクリプション等他サービスの特典データ増量

As mentioned above, UQ Mobile has a wide variety of campaigns.

Find your target campaign and use UQ Mobile at a great price!

UQ mobile

【UQ mobileのキャンペーン】

Click here for details of UQ Mobile
