• 17/03/2023
  • homesmartjp

NEW! Puning the future of medical care by technological innovation (1) - Challenge of building medical AI platform

Behind the scenes of the "Medical AI Platform Technical Research Association (HAIP)"

デジタルコモンズ AI(人工知能)

As the Cabinet Office's "Strategic Innovation Creation Program (SIP)", efforts are being made to implement the "AI (Artificial Intelligence) Hospital) High Diagnosis and Treatment System.The main part is the "Medical AI Platform Technical Research Association (HAIP)".Many companies and organizations with strengths participate in HAIP.Nippon UNSIS (company name has been changed to BIPROGY from April 2022) has long been an effort to build SIP AI Hospital, which has been the cornerstone of HAIP.This time, five members of the established members who play an important role in the HAIP, each of the leaders, met together to talk about the HAIP's thoughts, the results of the project, and the vision in the future.

"HAIP" aims to implement medical AI platforms to solve advanced medical issues

Currently, as part of the Cabinet Office "Strategic Innovation Creation Program (SIP)", initiatives are being promoted to the social implementation of "AI (AI Hospital)" (AI Hospital).。Behind the scenes are the rise in medical care, such as ensuring the quality of medical care in an aging society, suppressing increased medical expenses, and reducing the burden on medical workers.The research and development theme of the program is divided into multiple areas.For example, research issues such as medical information databases, AI platforms, and ultra -detailed inspections have been set, and a system is created in which each coordinates and consistent.The program director who supervises the whole is Yusuke Nakamura (Director of the Cancer Precision Medical Research Center for Cancer Study Group) (Reference article: Medical Revolution (Part 2) caused by "AI Hospital").

One of these is the construction of an AI platform for implementing AI hospital.It also includes a service business base and AI development base.In April 2021, the "Medical AI Platform Technical Research Association (HAIP)" was established in April 2021 with the approval of the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

"HAIP has been considering social implementation by" Corporation "since FY2023. As a previous stage, we will conduct trial operation and prepare for social implementation in FY2021 to 2010. Also about the internal control of HAIP operation.Will be responsible for the Japan Medical Association AI Hospital Promotion Center (JMAC-AI), which was established inside the Japan Medical Association.Is Yasuhide Hatta (Managing Managing Director, Nippon Unisys), the president of HAIP.

HAIP was initially established by Nippon Unisys, Hitachi, Japan IBM, SoftBank, and Mitsui & Co.With the spread of activities, the ecosystem expanded, and then five corporations of Taiki Life Insurance, Tokushikai Information System (TIS), Microsoft Japan, National Nursery Medical Research Center, and Inter System's Japan participated, and the total number of members is 10.Became a corporation (as of January 2022).

"Thought" that each participated as a five -company -up member with its own strengths

Each company that makes up HAIP has a high desire for AI hospital.HAIP Managing Director Atsushi Uga (Hitachi) explains his thoughts.

"If individual solutions become siloized, medical innovation will be limited. In order to efficiently deliver altitude and high -quality medical care, a platform in which each solution is linked is needed.Is shared these issues recognition. We have been promoting initiatives using tablet -type robot AI interviews for a long time. In this regard, we definitely wanted to participate in HAIP. "

The company plans to contribute to HAIP with two main themes while utilizing knowledge of AI and IoT."One is related to the recruiting of AI startups, the creation of processes to promote the commercialization of HAIP, and the building relationship with medical institutions. The other is medical care through the HAIP platform.It is the development of individual solutions provided to the site. We are also conducting research and development of solution itself, but we are focusing on how effective it will be delivered. "

Japan IBM has a great presence in the electronic medical record market and has supported medical institutions.Utilizing such experiences and know -how, we are enhancing HAIP's propulsion.According to Ugami's words, HAIP Director Tatsuya Kaneko (Japan IBM Executive Officer) said, "One company is limited. By companies with diverse strengths, we can do so before.. I participated in HAIP with that thought. "Kaneko wants to play a role in HAIP in three main points.

"First of all, it is the development of individual technologies such as voice input. It is also important to create a mechanism to connect digitized medical certificates to electronic medical records. IBM is a standard for exchanging medical data," HL7 FHIR.(Fire) is also promoted, and we believe that such technologies can contribute to HAIP, and it is a business case for social implementation. "

On the other hand, from the perspective of a telecommunications carrier, HAIP director Hiroshi Fuji (Managing Executive Officer Softbank).

"With the spread of 5G, the redefinant of various industries may progress. Medical care is the same. The exchange of large -capacity and low -delay data due to 5G, and the development of the industry, including medical care in remote areas.We will support you in a variety of ways. I think HAIP, which contributes to these movements, is a very meaningful initiative. "

By using 5G, we provide a variety of medical services.Apart from HAIP, the company has already started various advanced initiatives.It is said that his experience and know -how will also be used in HAIP.Global knowledge about AI is the company's strength."Many AI companies invested by the SoftBank Group have excellent medical AI. I would like to introduce the wisdom around the world to HAIP" (Mr. Fujinaga).


Mitsui & Co., who participates in HAIP from a general trading company.At the company, the healthcare business is positioned as a pillar of growth strategy.Mr. Kazuhiro Hashimura, a member of the HAIP management board, (Assistant Director of Mitsui Bussan and Assistant Director Wernes and Assistant Nutrition Agrikuri Charts) says:

"We have been working on medical care for about 10 years. Until now, overseas markets, mainly in Asia, were mainly activities. For example, IHH Healthcare (Malaysia) invested by the Company.Is running about 80 hospitals in 10 countries, including India and Singapore. We hope to make use of overseas experience to contribute to HAIP. "

The company has a wealth of knowledge about overseas regulations and has many achievements in the use of medical data."Data is the key to realizing medical care centered on" people ". By making good use of data, high -value -added medical care will be realized. In the future, drugs etc.I hope that it can be useful, "says Hashimura.

In response to the previous four people, Hatta said, "We will develop a variety of solutions on the business base, including the HAIP platform.I take responsibility, "he said.

Advanced solutions that are trial operation in medical practice

HAIP is accelerating its activities in cooperation with JMAC-AI based on the cooperation of 10 corporations."I have been told by people in a wide variety of fields, including medical institutions and academia, saying," I want to do it together. I realize that our initiatives are becoming one movement. "Hatta.Inquiries from related industry organizations and startups aiming for medical innovation are increasing.What is particularly important is cooperation with medical sites.

"In the case of advanced initiatives, it will be a technology ahead, and when you stand at the entrance of social implementation, there are cases where gaps occur. In smooth social implementation, the result of HAIP is achieved.The relationship with the medical practice that we actually use is important. In fact, we are strengthening cooperation with many medical professionals, and new ideas have been created in discussions including various players. "Mr)

Solutions under trial operation are increasing.Here are some examples.

First, image diagnostic assistance service.When a doctor uploads CT images of "DICOM (international standard for medical data communication and preservation, etc.)", an analysis screen with AI is displayed.For example, we mark a candidate that seems to be a cerebral aneurysm to support a doctor's diagnosis.In addition, the carte audio input service is to perform the medical record input by voice.The work of inputting on a PC is reduced to create a medical record, and doctors can continue medical treatment with the patient's eyes.

"Based on the doctor's utterance, AI will determine" what items should be described in which items should be listed ". Doctors have patients's chief complaint, current medical history, physical findings, inspection findings, etc.There is no need to specify the item. "In addition, Mr. Kaneko said, "I have gradually increased accuracy such as voice recognition and classification while receiving comments and feedback from many doctors. I would like to use it to reduce the burden on medical workers."Complement.

Hitachi is conducting evaluation research on cancer drug therapy treatment support by AI interviews using a tablet -type robot in collaboration with the Cancer Research Group Ariake Hospital.Cancer Ken Ariake Hospital is also a member of the AI Hospital project.

"For patients receiving drug therapy for colorectal cancer, the pharmacist usually checks the status of side effects during the waiting time. Tablet -type robots support this. Hospital server.Analyze the results of the interview and blood test results with AI and display the level of side effects in 5 steps. Healthcare professionals refer to this, "maintaining the conventional prescription", "The amount of anticancer drugs"It can be used as a judgment material for "decrease" or "Switch to another therapy". For the future, we plan to expand this process to other medical institutions. If it can be expanded via HAIP, medical care.You will be able to contribute to the uniformization (editor -in -the correction of medical technology gaps, etc.) "(Mr. Uga)

In Japan, in Japan, in cooperation with the Japan Medical Association, we are conducting research and development of diabetes monitoring assistance services."Acquire the lifestyle data and dietary of diabetic patients, analyze AI, extract the issues and notify medical institutions.Hatta says.Another example is "Dr.There is an informed consent support service by "Avatar"."This is a service in which the informed consent process is provided by the attending physician's avatar in advance. Even if it is difficult to understand, the explanation by the avatar will make the patient's understanding, while the doctor will greatly reduce the time of the informed consent in the face.I can do it. "

Aiming for a "person" medical cycle with secure data linkage as needed

It is said that the environment surrounding medical care is changing significantly in recent years.Mr. Fujinaga realizes it at the forefront of business.

"There is no direct relationship with the HAIP, but SoftBank is developing a healthcare application. Having a surge in medical institutions that utilize online diagnosis from remote areas under the influence of the new Coronavirus infection, such services.I have felt the growing needs of the needs. The work style reform of medical workers is also required. The medical style is also changing. In this background, HAIP's significance is greater. "

It seems that the voices of the site seeking innovation for medical care are growing."While participating in the HAIP activities, I came into contact with many medical professionals seeking change. I have the urgent thoughts of" I need a new initiative ", and I feel hoped for HAIP."And Hashimura analyzes.Now, Japan is "Society 5.With "0", we aim to create a new society using digital technology and data.In this context, transformation into people -centered medical care, including not only patients but also non -illness and prevention perspectives, is an important theme.It is such a world that HAIP aims.

"Prevention → medical examination / examination / examination / diagnosis → treatment → prognosis, and the cycle that returns to prevention is turned around" people ". Not only medical and nursing care, but also various stakeholders participate in this circulation.Medical equipment manufacturers, life insurance companies, local governments, etc. will also be involved. Data utilization is indispensable to work effectively. HAIP platforms are large in realizing such cycles.It plays a role, "Hatta says his enthusiasm.

Certainly, one of the major issues in building a "person" -cady health care cycle is the system and data collaboration.However, how to link the existing system of medical institutions nationwide to the HAIP platform.

"It is also conceivable to transfer data from medical institutions placed in on -premises to safe places as needed. In the future, patients access their data and acquire what they need.I draw a future that I can do, "says Kaneko.In addition, Uga God explains the movement to data linkage in the standard format as follows.

"Currently, the Japan Medical Association and several academic societies are working on standard formatting of screening data. If the test results are different, it is expected to be effective even if the data is incorporated into AI.I can't. By promoting standardization, you should see the way to solve the problem. "

As mentioned at the beginning, AI Hospital is an integrated integration in multiple areas.Like HAIP, participating organizations are working hard in each area, and medical institutions and academia support this.Creating a standard format is also an important process closely related to these initiatives.

The name after HAIP's stock company, which is aimed at after 2023, is called "beyond (tentative name)" at this stage.From the perspective of business continuity, Hatta says, "Hatta requires a higher ethics, fair and fair posture than profits.We are discussing discussions. "In order to raise Japanese medical care to a new stage, HAIP is facing the current challenge with an eye on the future.