• 04/02/2023
  • homesmartjp

A product that symbolizes the new Microsoft whether to buy or see off "Surface3"

Microsoft announced on May 19 about the launch of the new Windows tablet "Surface 3" into the Japanese market.Surface 3 had already been announced in the United States in March this year, but has undecided the Japanese market.In the past, the Japanese market often went around in the shipment of the Surface series, but this time it seems that we can take the lead.

The release date is June 19th and the fastest in the world

As previously reported, SoftBank Mobile announced in the morning that the Wi-Fi + LTE compatible model of "Surface 3" will be sold under the Y! Mobile brand, but its release date is June 19.In North America, it has been announced that LTE-compatible models will be sold in late 2015 through Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile USA, but sales from SoftBank Mobile will be pioneered in providing LTE-equipped versions in other areas.

Microsoft has been providing products with different specifications for general consumers and companies, but Surface 3 follows the same method.The general consumer model includes an Office Premium Plus Office 365 Service, which is provided only for the Japanese market.On the other hand, Office is not bundled for companies, but Windows is equipped with Windows 8 for companies..1 Pro.

The price is for general consumers, but the entry model of 2 gigabytes of memory, built -in flash storage 64GB is 81,800 yen, memory 4 gigabytes, and built -in flash storage 128 gigabyte is 91,800 yen, and all products are LTE communication.The function is built in.

"Surface 3 is a product that symbolizes the new Microsoft concept," said Microsoft President Yasuyuki Higuchi."Microsoft has changed drastically. Until now, we have been working separately for products such as Windows, Office, and servers, but in this era, not what kind of product to choose, but which ecosystem to choose.I am thinking about it. Not only will make the company's ecosystem better, but even the ecosystem of other companies is firmly connected, and the productivity of the company is enhanced. Microsoft plays such a role.The new way of thinking is reflected in this product. "

「Surface3」は買うべきか、見送るべきか 新マイクロソフトを象徴する製品が登場

According to President Higuchi, Surface 3 has decided to introduce it before the release of Sumitomo Mitsui, and will introduce 600 models with LTE communication functions and 400 Wifi models.

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