• 13/01/2023
  • homesmartjp

[Cloudfunding starts!] Smart outlet "Power Strip" Anyone is easy with WiFi connection!Smart home in any house with this one![Alexa/Google Assistant compatible] Corporate release

Category: Product service

【クラウドファンディング開始!】スマートコンセント「Power Strip」WiFi接続で誰でも簡単!これ一台でどんな家でもスマートホーム!【Alexa/Google Assistant対応】 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Gloture Co., Ltd.

All 6 power supply is remote control and fully automated with smartphones, audio, and apps!GLOTURE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: CHEN JUNYI) will launch crowdfunding of the smart outlet "Power Strip" today.Project Overview The total 6 power supply is remotely controlled by WiFi connection!My home smartly saves electricity bills with the schedule function at a stretch, location information ... automate switch on and off under all conditions!Compatible with smart speakers!Connect with Alexa and GoogleAsSistant to create easy operation with lightning guards & heat resistance and overcurrent protection functions!USB 2.High -speed charging at 4A!"Power Strip" that can be registered in the app is infinite!Go to a smart home all over the house![Power ON/OFF in the app] [Power ON/OFF in voice] A longing smart home that allows you to operate all home appliances anytime, anywhere with one smartphone.However, it is hard to make all the home appliances in the house smart.If you buy a new home appliance, it costs a lot of money, such as 100,000 yen, 200,000 yen, 300,000 yen ...But if you can make your house smart with little money, of course, don't you want to try it?S-Butler's smart outlet "Power Strip" (Power Strip) remotely controls six power sources, four outlets and two USB connectors, via WiFi.You can operate the power on and off from the outside, not to mention the inside of the house, so you don't have to worry about forgetting to turn off the switch forever!Of course, there is a timer function, so you can easily save energy without overdoing it.Why don't you move your house to the future with "Power Strip"?A total of six power sources are remotely controlled by WiFi connection!My house is smart at a stretch and the power supply is four outlets and two USB connectors.Since it is connected to WiFi, the switch on / off is free with a smartphone.If you connect it to a fan, a dryer, a kotatsu, a hot carpet, a light, etc., you can not only prevent it, but you can prepare a comfortable home just before returning home.* Two USB connectors' power supply is remotely controlled in conjunction with each other.Although it is possible to remotely control electricity bills with the schedule function, is it troublesome to play with the power on and off each time with a smartphone?In such a case, set a schedule function!If you set the power and when to turn it, the "Power Strip" will be activated automatically.I do not forget to erase it, which will save electricity bills.Weather, location information ... automate switch on / off under all conditions!When the temperature is high, turn on the fan, turn off the humidifier on a high humidity day, turn on the carpet when you come to the house ... If you can automatically switch the outlet on / off depending on the weather or where you are.Is it convenient?With "Power Strip", you can set on -off conditions with one dedicated application.If the temperature is over 30 degrees, you can automatically make a fan on, or if you come near your home, you can turn on a carpet.Compatible with smart speakers!Alexa and GoogleAssistant Easy operation Easy to operate all kinds of home appliances with your voice."Power Strip" is of course supported!It is connected to various systems such as Alexa and Google Home, so it will surely be active in smart homes.Download "Tuyasmart" from Alexa's coordinated app store and pair with "Power Strip".Search for "TUYASMART" from "Skill Games" items of "Amazon Alexa" and link the app.After linking the app, you will be able to move "Power Strip" with "Amazon Alexa".Download "Tuyasmart" from the linked app store with Google Home and pair "Power Strip".Search for "TUYASMART" from "Device Setup> Link of Device" in "Google Home" and link the app.After linking the app, you will be able to move "Power Strip" in "Google Home".Click here to download "Tuyasmart" iOS: https: // Apps.Apple.com/jp/app/tuyasmart/id1034649547android: https: // Play.Google.Com/Store/Apps/Details? ID = COM.tuya.smart&hl=ja※「TuyaSmart」アプリは「S-Butler」専用アプリではなくサードパーティー製ですが正常に作動します。※ 「TuyaSmart」アプリのサポートにつきましてはAppStore、GooglePlayからお問い合わせ下さい。安全・堅牢な「Power Strip」【雷ガード/難燃/過電流保護】機能的なものほど心配なのは壊れやすさ…だからこそ「Power Strip」は考え得るあらゆる衝撃からできる限り本体を守るため、さまざまな対策を組み込みました。過電流保護機能で発熱を防止ABS防火素材で発火を防止雷ガードで家電を保護もちろんケーブルも直径2.0mm thick and sturdy.The switch uses a high -performance relay, so you can use it as usual even if you switch the switch over 10000 times.* "Power Strip" has obtained a standard certification of UL in the United States, a worldwide third -party safety science agency!USB 2.Compatible with 4A high -speed charging!The USB connector is also high performance!2.You can charge your smartphone and music player quickly on 4A.Multifunctional dedicated apps and interlocked houses are smart home!The number of "Power Strip" that can be registered in the app is infinite.You can register as many as 2 or 3, 10 or 100 or 100.If you connect "Power Strip" to all the outlets in the house, a dream smart home that allows every switch can be remotely controlled with a smartphone.Place "Power Strip" all over the house and enjoy your smart life!* When registering multiple "Power Strip" in the application, we recommend that you change the device name for each "Power Strip" to avoid the confusion during operation.Product specification system: Alexa, Google Home, Tenko ( * When using the third party application "Tuyasmart") WiFi: 2.4GHz compatible OS: Android4.4 / iOS 9.0 or more * PSE mark has already been acquired * Please note that "Power Strip" cannot be connected with 5GHz wifi.For more information, please check your WiFi at home.* The on -off function of "Power Strip" will be turned on and off the power supply.Therefore, depending on the function of home appliances and home appliances, it may not work just by turning on the power of "Power Strip".In addition, depending on the home appliance, it may be careful not to operate the power supply by on / off of power supply.For more information, please check your home appliances.S-BUTLER dedicated application iOS: https: // Apps.Apple.Com/App/ID1527232106android: https: // Play.Google.Com/Store/Apps/Details? ID = COM.IoT.cherry&hl=ja※AlexaやGoogle Homeと接続する場合は「TuyaSmart」アプリをご利用ください。iOS:https://apps.Apple.com/jp/app/tuyasmart/id1034649547android: https: // Play.Google.Com/Store/Apps/Details? ID = COM.tuya.smart&hl=ja※「TuyaSmart」アプリは「S-Butler」専用アプリとは異なりますが、正常に作動します。IoT技術で快適な生活を提供する「S-Butler」技術革新の激しい世の中で、当社は高い技術に裏打ちされた質の良いIoT商品を製造しています。2019年にはForbes China(フォーブス中国版)が選ぶ、IoT技術を引っ張るグローバル企業トップ100に選出されました。「S-Butler」は、厳しい審査を経た商品だけを提供し、お客様に最高の体験を届けます。プロジェクト概要企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.