• 21/10/2022
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Start developing IoT!6 Studies for AWS IoT beginners 6 steps!Step 1 Check out other companies case Step 2 Learn the basics of IoT 3 How to realize how to realize each use case STEP 4 Prototype Step 5 Learn the skills necessary for production Step 6 Know the latest updates: IoT Developer: IoT DeveloperAbout link collection books for

Hello everyone, I'm Iida of AWS solution architect.

In Japan, various companies are considering the conversion of hardware products and smart factory.Some of the developers are used to product development but have no knowledge about IoT, or on the contrary, some people have experienced the foundation on the cloud side, but are the first IoT device management.Isn't it?Many questions such as "Where should I start to learn AWS IoT?"In order to answer the questions of those people, I would like to introduce how to study AWS's IoT -related studies in one plan here.

At the end of the article, a collection of links for IoT developers is posted as an appendix.I would be grateful if you could refer to it.


We have already launched many IoT projects, and various cases have been published.By checking an example close to what you want to make, it may make it easier to imagine the flow of development and what you actually have.Main IoT examples in Japan are introduced in the AWS IoT Developer Portal.In addition, the cases of manufacturing customers such as smart factory and product development are also introduced in the activities of Japanese customers -AWS manufacturing industries.


In addition, AWS regularly holds an event called IoT@Loft.We have set different themes each time, such as product development, auto motivation, agriculture, and building, and introduced the projects to engineers involved in actual development.The reports of the events held in the past are posted on the AWS blog, so you can check the materials and videos.You can also check the future events on the IoT@Loft page.

AWS has more than 200 services, including cloud computing, storage, database, machine learning, and IoT.By connecting what you need according to individual requirements, you can make quick prototypes and shift to production.See the video of how to proceed with the POC and practice to succeed in the development of IoT development and how to proceed with the basic concept of development.

One of the various services of AWS is AWS IoT.AWS IoT contains a variety of services necessary for IoT development, such as device management, security, connection, and device software.The basic explanation of the service is on the AWS IoT page.In addition, AWS Black Belt Online Seminar introduces points for each service in detail.In addition, there is a hands -on to actually try each IoT service.

If you are going to start, start by knowing AWS IoT Core, which is the key to IoT development.By mastering the AWS Iot Core, you can achieve a secure connection between the device and the cloud, allows you to transmit two -way data with the cloud and cooperate with other AWS services.To learn the IoT Core, we recommend that you first check the content that can be realized in the Black Belt video, and then perform the IoT Core beginner hands -on.This hands -on creates a dummy IoT device on the cloud, realizes a secure connection with the device, and builds the following three mechanisms that are often needed in IoT.

In addition, you can learn about IoT terms, concepts, and AWS IoT Core services through interactive exercises and demonstrations while acquiring basic knowledge about IoT topics and protocolIt is available.

What I want to learn to promote the development of IoT depends on the work and product in charge.Here, we will first introduce videos and hands -on content that can be used for learning, divided into device development and cloud development.

IoTの開発を始めよう!AWS IoT初学者向けの勉強方法 6ステップ! Step 1 他社事例をチェック Step 2 IoTの基礎を学ぶ Step 3 各ユースケースの実現方法を学ぶ Step 4 プロトタイプを作る Step 5 プロダクション開発に必要なスキルを学ぶ Step 6 最新のアップデートを知る 付録:IoT開発者のためのリンク集 著書について


I think there are the concerns of those who develop built -in devices, what kind of microcomputers should be used, the SDK that can be used for implementation and how to use it. If it is a relatively single -functional product assuming mass production, the use of Freertos is a candidate. For Freertos, you can get an overview in Black Belt videos. GreenGrass is also available for higher -performance edge computing systems, such as gateway and edge AI reasoning. This is a Black Belt video and a hands -on. In December 2020 Re: Invent, GreenGrass V2 was announced, and there was a significant update. For here, see the video introducing GreenGrass V2 of AWS IoT Deep Dive #2. Also, if you want to realize a simple application with a relatively low -spec Linux machine, check out the Device Client repository.

If the hardware configuration is selected and evaluated, you can check the evaluation boards and modules that can be used by Freertos and GreenGrass immediately in Partner Device Catalog.


If you are in charge of operating the cloud side of the IoT system in the future, you may be interested in efficient management and security measures of large amounts of devices.AWS IoT services include AWS IoT Device Management and AWS IoT Device Defender for monitoring and auditing security for device management.For these basic contents, see videos introducing the AWS IoT service that can be used in devices.If you want to actually move your hand, you can deepen your understanding by trying the hand -on of AWS IoT Device Management and AWS IoT Device Defender's hands -on after learning IoT Core in Step2.


One step further and list the content that can be used for those who want to learn how to use it for a specific application deeply.If you have something close to what you want to make, please try it.

  • スマートファクトリーのデータ収集・分析
  • ロボティクス
  • Until STEP3, if you understand the AWS IoT service, let's prototype what you actually want to make.Builders.FLASH has many articles that have been created as a reference when creating an IoT prototype.In particular, if you look at the "cloud technology that you can enjoy in your daily life", there are articles such as visualization of sensor data, ECHONET Lite, doorphones, watching cameras, and smart locks (smart treasure chests).The actual method (recipe) is posted, so it may be a good idea to try a recipe close to what you want to make and start prototyping in a modified manner.In addition, if you want to be practiced while checking detailed procedures in books, there is also a book called home network AWS cloud service development technique with IoT device x Web application.

    If you are not sure while actually creating a prototype, you can refer to the AWS document, and if you still do not understand, you can ask AWS technical experts directly in Online Ask An Expert.

    In Step4, I think you have been able to understand how to create an IoT system using AWS through prototyping.The next step is to learn the elements needed for actual product development.


    At the design review stage, to check the 10 golden rules in the IoT solution, which summarizes the best practices in IoT development, and to Dive Deep, IoT Lens, an IoT version of AWS WELL-ARCHITECTED IoT Lens-AWS WELL-ARCHITECTED Frame.Please see the work.

    How to provide a device certificate used to realize the device and cloud connections is a major study item on the device side.For information on how to realize it with AWS IoT, see the video of provisioning information on devices on devices in AWS IoT Deep Dive #1.

    In AWS IoT, MQTT protocols can be used for two -way communication between devices and clouds, but in production, topic design in consideration of use case is important.White paper has been released here.

    Especially in cases where a large number of devices are connected, we will estimate the cost based on the expected number of devices and the number of users, and consider the optimal architecture.In such a case, let's simulate the price using AWS Pricing Calculator.


    組み込みソフトウェアやクラウド側の実装を進めていくと、接続ができない、メッセージが届かない、などの様々な不具合が発生します。IoTにおけるこういった問題の切り分け方、トラブルシューティングの方法については、AWS IoT Deep Dive #3でご紹介したAWS IoT のデバッグ&トラブルシューティングの動画をご覧ください。

    It is also important to verify in advance whether the system works correctly when a large number of devices are connected in production.Using an IoT device simulator may build a simulation environment and improve verification.Check how to easily start the IoT device simulator with AWS.

    毎年年末に開催されるre:Invent では、IoTに限らず様々なAWSの新サービスや新機能、顧客事例が発表されます。発表された新機能のなかでIoTに関係するものは、AWS IoT Deep Dive などのAWSイベントで随時日本語で紹介しています。2020年末のre:InventのIoT関連のアップデートは、AWS IoT Deep Dive #2の開催ブログをご覧ください。今後も様々なイベントを開催していきますので、ぜひ最新情報をAWS IoT 開発者ポータルでチェックしてみてください。新規イベントの通知を受け取りたい方は、Connpassグループへの参加もご検討ください。

    Finally, we will list articles and videos that are likely to be helpful during development.(There are some parts that overlap with this blog post, but please forgive me.)

  • ポータルサイト
  • 開催イベント / UG
  • JAWS-UG IoT専門支部
  • 設計・開発
  • MQTTトピックの設計方法
  • ジョブ・シャドウの使い方
  • AWS IoT におけるデバッグ方法
  • 運用・監視
  • セキュリティ
  • データ収集・分析
  • AWSにおける IoT データの活用 可視化・分析・機械学習
  • エッジデバイス
  • Kunihiro Iida

    After the launch of new business related to IoT as an AWS prototyping solution architect electronics manufacturer as a software engineer, he has been involved in the support of POCs and production of IoT -related projects as a prototyping solution architect on AWS.