• 27/06/2022
  • homesmartjp

Ordawa 4th year Municipal administration management policy

It is a municipal administration policy of Mayor Keisuke Hirose at the regular meeting of the city council in March 4th year.(Towa March 1st, 4th, 4th)

Today, I will say the "municipal administration management policy" in the 4th year of the city of the city council.

1.First of all

First of all, I would like to thank those who have died due to the new colon virus infection, the bereaved family, and those who are still recuperating, and their families.

In addition, many people who are working in the forefront, who are in the forefront, are indispensable for living, and are cooperating with infectious diseases.I would like to thank the businesses again.

The struggle with the new Corona has not yet converged, and has continued to have a significant impact on people's lives, health, and socio -economics.From the end of last year, a new mutant stock, Omicron stock, has been confirmed in Japan, and it has been unpredictable to produce, with rapid and explosive infections that have never been experienced before.

Under these circumstances, in Motoichi, under the recognition of the level of disasters, we are working on infectious diseases to protect the lives and lives of citizens, such as maintaining food distribution services to those who are infected with a rapid increase.I have come.Even in the future, we will always work on the worst situation and support the prevention of spreading infection and to protect life.

Vaccination is effective to prevent the onset and severe of the new colona. In vaccination in Motoichi, which started on April 20, last year, in a situation where vaccine supply is unstable, from the viewpoint of "protecting children's lives" and "protecting facilities", the city's unique "Neyagawa Model". We will build priority in vaccination based on detailed categories such as enrollment in facilities for the elderly, nursery teachers, teachers, and pregnant women, and to prevent the confusion of citizens, such as visualization of inoculation rankings, and strive to eliminate anxiety. I have come. With the cooperation of many people, such as the Medical Association, the Sanjin Association, we were able to proceed smoothly. The percentage of those who finished the second vaccination exceeded 80 % of the entire subject, which was significantly higher than the initial target of 70 %. Even if you are currently implementing the third vaccination, we will secure a thorough system so that all desired people can be inoculated appropriately and smoothly.

I have felt strongly again through the response to the new Corona during this time.It is the warmth of the Neyagawa citizens, the depth of bonds, and the strength of the regional power.Despite the unprecedented disaster of the new Corona, many citizens, companies and organizations have received many donations, including masks and disinfectants.In addition, we asked city officials to work hard on infectious diseases and support projects, such as gratitude and encouragement.Furthermore, in the region, while the activities were not possible, we worked on activities to continue local connections, such as implementing the elderly living alone for the elderly.

I am convinced that if you confront the infectious diseases with the feelings of support, compassion, and bonds, you can surely overcome this difficulty.With the cooperation of citizens, we will regain our daily life as soon as possible and move forward to the new future, and will take measures as a whole.

Looking back on last year, the Olympic and Paralympic Games has been held in Tokyo since 1964.The first postponement of the Olympics has been postponed and the athletes who are challenging with all their might, despite the adversity of the spectators in the corona evil, give excitement and courage not only to Japan but also around the world.I did it.I still recall that I can withstand harsh practice and am in the representative pressure of the country, but I have been excited about the players who are doing their best.I have to overlap that figure, fulfill my responsibilities, and say that the citizens can say "I'm glad I lived in this town".rice field.

By the way, the population of Japan has entered the era of decline that has never been experienced.Japan's total population has been declining since 2008, and it is expected that the total population around 2050 will fall below 100 million, according to the future estimation of the National Institute of Social Security and Population.

This situation is also the same for the city, and the census peaked in the census, peaking in about 260,000 people in 1995, and the decrease of about 230,000 in two years.

Under these circumstances, as of November 1st, 3rd, the Motoichi population increased by 99 compared to the previous month, and as of January 1st, 4th, the number of people increased by 78 compared to the previous month.This is the first time in seven years since November 2014 has increased the same size on a monthly basis.The increase factor was that the number of transferors who came to the city increased, especially the population around Neyagawa Park Station, such as Motomachi and Ride Takatsuka -cho.

At the time of inauguration, I advocate a "two -axis concept" that promotes the town development of the "Keihan axis" and "Gakken City axis", and to attract young generations centered on child -rearing generations, to revocate the aging of the population.We have proposed to increase the sustainability of the town.Although the invitation of the moving in is not possible overnight, the signs of changes in the form of an increase in population have a solid response to the efforts so far, and more aggressively attracting child -raising generations.We have strengthened our thoughts that we need to proceed with the efforts to do.

We will continue to promote each plan -based measure based on the plan to realize the "selected town" aimed at by the "Sixth Comprehensive Plan".

2 Basic policy for town development

The expansion of the new Corona has caused various changes to the lifestyles and consciousness of the people.The common sense so far has changed completely, and the progress of social and economic digitization has the potential to lead to social change in the future.

The times are now at a major turning point.This situation is a turning point for Motoichi to make a leap further, and we believe that depending on the future of municipal administration, we will be able to attract opportunities and open up a new future.

Under the awareness that Motoichi is a very important year for further evolution, the 4th year of the year will challenge new initiatives with a sense of speed based on the achievements and achievements that have been accumulated so far.I will.

Based on the above ideas, we will develop measures that emphasize the following five items in the 4th fiscal year.

The first is "protecting citizens from crisis events".

In the new Corona, the types of mutant stocks are increasing globally, and the infected areas are still changing, and the prospects for convergence are not clear.

With the highest priority on protecting the lives and lives of citizens, we will work on measures against infectious diseases that effectively utilize the authority of the core city having a health center, and cooperate with the government, Osaka, and medical institutions.We will proceed with the third vaccination properly.

In addition, we will promote initiatives to prevent infection and social and economic activities, such as the resumption of citizens' exchanges, communication places, and efforts to recover the city economy that have been depressed due to sales self -restraint.

In recent years, in preparation for natural disasters such as the flooding and flood damage that has been increasing and the increase in risk of occurring, we must continue to strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation measures.In order to convey urgent information to citizens more quickly and reliably, we will introduce a siren broadcast by disaster prevention administration radio, secure stockpiling and enhance and strengthen voluntary disaster prevention organizations, and create a town development that protects citizens from crisis events.I will proceed.

The second is "creation of charm that opens up the future of the town."

The scenery in front of Neyagawa -shi station, the gateway to Motoichi, is gradually changing.

Last August, the New Chuo Library was opened in front of the city station.In less than three months since the opening of the museum, more than 100,000 people came to the building, and we believe that it has led to new value as the "third place / third place", the concept of the library.。

In addition, at the end of October, we acquired a campus in front of the Osaka Electro -Communications University at the end of October, in anticipation of the total amount of public facilities in the future, and the maintenance and renewal costs in order to reduce the burden of citizens in the future.Tentative name) We have been conducting consideration for reorganizing and consolidating facilities, functions, and services, along with the use as the station square building.

With these efforts steadily, the 4th year of the Fiscal year will welcome a large mountain to realize the “two -axis concept” and the “terminal concept”.

Regarding the "two -axis concept", we will promote initiatives to commercialize land readjustment in the Neyagawa Park area, and will also add a new Kunimatsu area to the potential area, and promote initiatives to realize the concept.I will.

In addition, we will steadily develop the school in the 5th year of the 5th year of the fourth junior high school district facility, which is a symbol of the town.

Regarding the (tentative name) station -in -house building, in addition to the improvement of the convenience of citizens, the progress of future digital technology, as well as downsizing the administrative and financial resources, the use of the administrative and financial technology.A certain direction is summarized about the maintenance policy.(Tentative name) In the development of the station square building, we will proceed with efforts to further improve the citizen services and develop the town.

Furthermore, we will proceed with the opening of the children's exclusive library on the 3rd floor of the Advance Naya Wakawa Building No. 2 (tentative name).We will create a space where parents and children can spend a relaxing time and want to go as many times as many times, and as a facility that supports children's learning and growth.

By further enhancing the charm of the city and creating the unique strengths and uniqueness of the city, the pride of citizens and longing from outside the city will be accelerated.I will.

The third is the "change of the government in the digital era."

With the expansion of the new colona, the digitalization of society and economy has been rapidly progressing.On the other hand, many of the administrative procedures are based on "writing, seals, and face -to -face", and the delays in administration's digitalization have been highlighted.

In Motoichi, a new "DX Promotion Office" has been installed in order to embody the cross -discourtes discussions related to digitalization with a sense of speed, and "Digital Transform (DX (DX) (DX) (DX) (DX (DX) (DX), which was formulated in April last year.) Based on the Promotion Plan, we will actively and systematically promote online administrative procedures, improve citizen services and build an environment where everyone can realize convenience.

In addition, we will promote the use of new digital technology such as AI and RPA, and accelerate the work style reform of staff by improving work efficiency and labor saving.

While promoting these digitalization initiatives and considering the benefits of digitalization, in order to realize the benefits of digitalization, the government has been listed as an evolved "Smart Nayagawa".We will challenge the change.

The fourth is "do the best for children and child -rearing".

Children who will be responsible for the next generation are irreplaceable assets for Neyagawa City.Children must have dreams and hopes in the future, watch their healthy growth throughout society, support them, and create a town that will rejoice.

From the beginning of my inauguration, I have been promoting efforts to protect and raise children across fields under the strong belief of "doing my best for children."For children and families, including the promotion of Neyagawa education, the voluntary school garden system, the selection of schools and class live distribution, support for multiple fetal families, the establishment of the ordinance to prevent children's passive smoking, and the city's unique bullying prevention measures.We actively implemented close -up efforts.Many of these have been featured in the media as advanced initiatives, and we have been able to promote Neyagawa -level measures that will lead to solving social issues, such as visiting local governments nationwide.

Based on the full support of children and child -rearing families, the relevant departments established last year will cooperate with the related departments to create an environment where children can give birth and raise children with peace of mind.increase.

In addition, by expanding pre -school education and childcare, practicing consecutive high -quality education and childcare from 0 to 15 years old, children who have the power to survive, open up their own life, and have the power to survive.We will aim for training.

Long -hours work for faculty and staff in schools has become a national issue.Until now, the growth of children has been supported by devoted educational activities due to the passion and sense of mission of faculty and staff.However, the various expectations for schools and faculty and staff appear in the form of long -term work of faculty and staff, and the normalization of this situation hinders the health and life of faculty and staff, and leads to a decrease in education.I think it is very possible.

In order to establish "Neyagawa education" promoted by Motoichi, it is essential to realize early reform of faculty and staff.In order to reduce long -term work of faculty and staff, we will promote business efficiency using digital technology, such as using apps that can share information online and online online, and improving business efficiency using digital technology and supporting club activities.We will build an environment where faculty and staff can concentrate on the guidance of children, such as planning and actively utilizing, and provide high -quality education for children.

The fifth is "strengthening and reconstructing regional connections."

In Motoichi, a variety of people live, such as gender, age, nationality, culture, disability and illness.We believe that it is important for each person to recognize the differences and live a fulfilling life in the region, so that the entire region deepens their connection and trust and build a society where they support each other.

With the expansion of the new Corona's infection, loneliness and isolation have become a major social issue as self -restraint and remote work continued.In the crisis of Corona's evil, we have once again realized that the "connection" between people is extremely important to keep mental health and enhance happiness.

The regional connection is now required.Under collaboration with citizens, we are promoting community development where you can feel the connection with people, such as watching, consultation support for those who need support, and securing a place for interaction, and securing a place for interaction, and both the children and the silver generation.For those with disabilities, we will promote a town development where everyone can live with peace of mind in the area where they are used to.

3 Major measures for the 4th year

Regarding the initial budget for the 4th year of the 4th year, the outlook for the new colona convergence is still unclear, and the maintenance of the PCR outpatient inspection system and as an asymptomatic person, assuming the worst situation and continuing support.We will continue to implement infectious diseases, such as subsidies for inspection costs that are conducted voluntarily, food distribution and shopping support services for rich contacters.In particular, in order to reduce the onset of infectious diseases and reduce the risk of severe severity, those who have not vaccinated or those who can receive the third additional vaccination can be appropriately vaccinated, so that the country, prefectures, related organizations, etc.We will work with a thorough system while cooperating with.

Then, I would like to explain the main measures in Fourth Fourth Fourth.


It is a measure related to "child -rearing and education".

We will introduce a new home visit (outreach) support for postpartum care businesses that provide mental and physical care and childcare support.

To prevent postpartum depression and to eliminate childcare anxiety, we will provide support such as visiting guidance through cooperation between My City midwife and the child -rearing generation comprehensive support center, and expand the number of subsidies for pregnancy health examinations.I will promote.


In addition to support such as enhancing visiting guidance and issuing taxi tickets so that families with multiple pregnant women and multiple trains can give birth and childcare with peace of mind, the number of subsidies for pregnant women's medical examinations related to multiple pregnant women has been further expanded.We support fetal families.

Parents who are judged by public health nurse to need refreshment due to the burden of child -rearing will be distributed to "(tentative name) child -rearing refresh card" that can use temporary custody childcare for free.At the forefront of child -rearing support, we will reduce the burden and isolation of parents by conducting quickly and appropriate support at the discretion of public health nurses.

Introducing a mother -child health handbook app that supports child -rearing, such as digitization of mother and child health notebooks, distribution of child -rearing information, and managing child growth records, to enhance child -rearing support using ICT.

In order to reduce the burden on parents and nursery teachers in nursery schools, we will implement a (tentative name) bye -by -by -by -by -by -by -by -day diaper business that does not need to take home of used paper diapers for many years.

In order to accept medical care children in private nursery schools, we will subsidize expenses related to the development of the acceptance system, such as the arrangement and training of specialists, and to build a support system in the region of medical care children.。

In order to protect the child's lives and dignity, we will continue to promote bullying measures for three -stage approaches, and in addition to supporting the victim's lawyer expenses and expenses related to transfer, and recovery in the case of victim ownership.We support the cost required.

A "bullying countermeasures summit" will be held in which educators and the heads of local governments nationwide, victims, etc. will be held to hold opinions on bullying issues, further promoting efforts to protect children, and bullying.We will build a network to solve the problem.

In order to build pre -school education and childcare unique to Motoichi, we will promote pre -school programs and teaching materials based on the results of surveys and research conducted in FY2013.

We will steadily promote the construction of the school building building for the opening of the school in the 5th junior high school district facility integrated elementary and junior high school.

In order to provide even warm and delicious lunches to children, we will develop and renovate the existing lunch cooking area and renovate existing lunch cooking in order to shift to the expanded parent -child method.

The target is expanded to the 5th grade of elementary school, which is currently being implemented until the fourth grade of elementary school, leading to more detailed learning guidance and class guidance.

In order to promote the reform of the work style of faculty and staff who are social issues, we plan to expand the bases of each event that dispatches club activities to municipal junior high schools and increase the options for club activities to the needs of students.We will promote the club activities that were responded.

In order to further enhance the learning environment that fosters the ability of children to develop the library materials effectively and effectively, in addition to the delivery of central library books to the school, the library book reserved on the tablet terminal of children and students.Start a service to deliver to the school.

Following the Chuo Library, which opened last August, (tentative name), we will steadily develop facilities with the aim of opening a child -only library for 5 years.

We will hold a professional orchestra performance at the Neyagawa Cultural Arts Festival, which provides the results of the results and experiences of culture and artistic activities, and promote cultural activities for citizens who are forced to stagnate due to corona.


Next is a measure related to "urban infrastructure and industries".

We will promote initiatives to commercialize land readjustment in the Neyagawa Park area, and add new Kunimatsu area to the potential area, and to make steady progress in the "two -axis concept".

In order to promote the attractive town development around Neyagawa Park Station, we will develop the Neyagawa Park Station West Square along with the construction of an integrated elementary school.

In order to promote the “Terminal of Citizen Services”, which consolidates the provision of citizen services around the station, we will steadily proceed with initiatives to open the station square building (tentative name).

In order to promote the improvement of the living environment and the use of land, we will support the expenses of wooden houses that are lacking in old earthquake -resistant standards and earthquake resistance in addition to the subsidy of unoccupied houses.

Demand taxis will be discussed with transportation businesses and local residents' associations in order to further expand to public transportation in public transportation.

In order to complete the city planning road Tsushima Enodashi Line, we will continue to acquire land acquisitions, etc., and will continue to make steady progress in bridge widening work and road maintenance work.

In order to make effective use of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch, we will formulate a park management plan and further improve the ability to attract customers.

In addition, we will hold a (tentative name) Nayagawa Park as a park event according to the season to revitalize the local economy.

We promote agricultural land conservation, such as matching that connects farmland lender and borrower and creation of a subsidy system for the maintenance of rental schools.


Next is a measure related to "crisis management".

In order to protect children and citizens from crimes, we will continue to carry out night crime prevention patrols during the summer and winter holidays of elementary and junior high schools in order to deter the crime in the city.

In order to reduce the number of criminal recognition in the city area and improve security, we will promote effective crime prevention measures based on scientific evidence by proposing a criminal research center.

In order to reduce the anxiety of the evacuees in the event of a disaster, we will deploy stockpiling products systematically and enhance detailed emergency supplies that are close to those who need consideration.

In the event of a disaster, we will introduce a siren broadcast using disaster prevention administration radio so that it can deliver information quickly and reliably to the citizens, and thoroughly inform the citizens of the operation method.

As a core facility for flooding in the west area of Motoichi, the Furukawa Rainwater Trunk Line bypass is planned and the steady progress of the Takamiya pump ground development project is to be used to suppress rainwater outflow to the west of the old National Route 170.I will do it.

In order to promote the development of human rights that can live with peace of mind and peace of mind, we will hold a "gathering to think about the right to live as a (tentative name) person".In addition, the problem of bullying is to raise awareness by simultaneously holding the "bullying countermeasure summit" under the perception that children are involved in human rights.


Next, it is a measure related to "welfare, health, and environmental hygiene".

In the short -term intensive outpatient services, a new award system for business establishments that provide effective support for improving nursing care will be newly established, and good cases, etc. are widely shared, and it is important to lead to horizontal deployment between business establishments.We will improve the living function of support certified people.

A study committee consisting of academic experiences and disability welfare services providers will be set up and discussions will be made to consider extracting issues and solutions for the issues after parent death positioned in the priority items of the disability welfare plan.。

In order to protect the health of children from passive smoking, we will continue to enlighten patrols in the non -smoking areas on the street, further expand the smoking area around the station, and establish the "(tentative name) Neyagawa City Edition Smoking Rules 5".We will promote passive smoking measures.

A new subsidy system for the hospitalization for patients with intractable disease, supporting home medical treatment, and having experience accepting at the hospital will lead to smooth evacuation behavior in the event of a disaster.

In order to appropriately respond to the rapid increase in medical demand in the event of a disaster, the city disaster medical center has been changed from the current Health and Welfare Center Holiday Clinic to four city hospitals to strengthen the system that can provide more medical care.increase.

In order to promote garbage weight loss and improve regional aesthetics, we will conduct enlightenment activities to work with citizens, and promote beautiful town development with the cooperation of local residents.


Next is a measure related to "local government management".

We invite "multiple jobs" human resources who have high specialty who are active in the front lines, etc., and promote business reform more effectively, regardless of the established concept.

We will promote the use of digital technology such as AI and RPA, further promote labor saving, and continue to improve the efficiency and standardization of operations in order to achieve the goals listed in the "Work Style Reform Promotion Plan".

Based on the "Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion Plan", we will promote online administrative procedures and enhance the enhancement of citizen services utilizing digital technology in the station square building (tentative name), regardless of precedents or stereotypes.We will consider how to use services with the highest priority on “citizens' circumstances”.

In addition, we will continue to hold a smartphone classroom for citizens aged 65 and over, and promote efforts to eliminate digital devices.

We will accurately grasp the voices of citizens, such as holding a town meeting and implementing a transfer monitor questionnaire, and leads to new measures and businesses that meet needs.

Since five years have passed since the previous verification, the "Basic Ordinance for Everyone's Town" will be set up, and verification will be conducted on whether the content of the ordinance is compatible with the social situation.

In order to secure financial resources and revitalize the local industry, we will strive to further secure donations, such as expanding hometown tax payment portal sites and increasing souvenirs.


In the end of May of the first year of the first year, after receiving the confidence from citizens, it will be the fourth year of the next year since becoming the mayor.

During this time, I have been a major theme of "Improvement of urbanity" and "brewing citizen pride" in Neyagawa City, which became a core city through various policies.This is because the main city, which has a major issue of population decline and aging, leads to the indispensable "child -rearing generation", which is essential for continuing to operate sustainable management.

Neyagawa City needs "change" now.There is the word "no change without growing", but I think it is "no change and no stability."If you want "stability" in a nationwide population declining trend, Neyagawa City has to challenge the "big change" now with the power.

As represented by the terminal concept, it is necessary to create a compact and convenient town.This leads to the convenience of citizens, but also leads to the integration of public facilities, which will reduce the future burden on maintenance and management costs.

In addition, the provision of "new value" represented by the New Central Library increases the expectations of citizens, despite compact and low cost.

A new town development of the Gakken Urban axis represented by Kengo Kuma, a worldwide architect, will create a new image of Motoichi as a "town where the child -raising generation live".

In terms of software, the "new approach to bullying zero", which is attracting attention from all over the country, protects children in the city, and at the same time, the message "Do your best for children" in the city is a child -raising generation outside the city.It will also be widely known.

In addition, the realization of "Neyagawa Education", which has been consistent from pre -school education, combines the educational environment of bullying and creates an effect on the child -rearing generation.

I would like to ask the world about the "new era of citizen services" from both the hardware and the software.

I often use the term "Neyagawa level" policy proposal.This is created by finding the "essential problem" of citizen services, decomposing and reconstructing it without being bound by the established concepts.It is a level that can make city efforts become the standard of other local governments.The policy planning of "Neyagawa level" not only enriches citizens' lives, but also enhances the brand of the city.

Again, Neyagawa City has to challenge a "big change" now with the power.

Changes are scary.Many managers hate changes.In the work style reform of staff, I hate to let go of the familiar way, even if I know that there is a big problem in working style.I believe that the changes required of Motoichi are not "improvements" but "innovations" that produce new value.

It will be a big challenge.This challenge requires the cooperation of citizens, parliament, and staff.We will work together with everyone to further enhance the charm of Neyagawa City and open up a new future, and we will continue to execute municipal administration with the whole body.

Origin 4th year budget plan

Regarding the initial budget proposal for Fiscal year 4


99,870 million yen (up 9.9 % from the previous year)

特別会計(国民健康保険特別会計 外4特別会計)

54,187 million yen (up 2.6 % from the previous year)


17,870 million yen (down 5.7 % from the previous year)


It is 171,864 million yen (up 5.7 % from the previous year).

We sincerely ask the members and citizens to provide a great deal of support and cooperation.