• 19/03/2023
  • homesmartjp

At the end of the year, strengthen the crackdown!What are the violations of the police, which have a high number of arrests, and the violations that are increasing recently

The most common is "temporarily stopped"

The most common violation of the Road Traffic Law in the 2nd year was 1,604,972 in "temporary stop".

 As is well known, there is a quota for police crackdowns.The budget is determined in advance for the "Special Grant for Traffic Safety Countermeasures", which is a funded money collected by the arrest of traffic violations.[Photo] That place!That method!Three unconventional police crackdowns, and at the end of the year, the crackdown will be severe to achieve the quota, so the cautionary period will be required until the end of March.Therefore, let's consider recent crackdown trends and measures from the three -year police white paper statistical material "Transportation Captures (Land of the Lands and 2nd Years)".First of all, if you look at the violations of the number of crackdowns, the violation of the Road Traffic Law, which was the largest in the second year of the second year, was 1,604,972 in "temporary stop"..It accounts for 9 %.Next, "maximum speed violation" 1,162,420 (20).2 %).After that, 75950 "traffic prohibition" (13).1 %), "Signal ignoring" 635,485 (11).0 %), "Mobile phones, etc." 309,058 (5).4 %), "Pedestrian obstruction" 295,32 (5).1 %) is noticeable.It was surprising that there were many "signal ignorance", but as expected, the more notable data was the rate of increase and decrease in the previous year (the first year of the first year).For example, "pedestrian obstruction" is 26.7%も増えている!自動車情報・ニュース WEB CARTOP > 未分類 > 年度末は取締を強化! 警察による検挙数の多い違反ランキングと最近増えている違反とは年度末は取締を強化! 警察による検挙数の多い違反ランキングと最近増えている違反とは投稿日: 2022年1月23日 TEXT: Ryuta Fujita PHOTO: 写真AC/WEB CARTOP年度末は取締を強化! 警察による検挙数の多い違反ランキングと最近増えている違反とはこの記事をまとめると■警察の交通取り締まりにはノルマがある■年度末に厳しくなる傾向にある■データから最近の取り締まりの傾向を解説するThe most common is "temporarily stopped" よく知られているとおり、警察の交通取り締まりにはノルマがある。交通違反の検挙によって徴収される反則金を財源とする「交通安全対策特別交付金」には、あらかじめ予算が決められているからだ。 したがって、年度末になるとそのノルマを達成すべく、取り締まりが厳しくなるので、これから3月末までは要注意期間となる。 そこで最近の取り締まりの傾向と対策を、令和三年警察白書 統計資料の「違反種別ごとの交通違反取締り状況(令和元年及び令和2年)」から考えてみよう。 まず取り締まり件数が多かった違反を見てみると、令和2年にもっとも多かった道路交通法違反は、「一時不停止」の160万4972件で全体の27.It accounts for 9 %.[Related article] That place!That method!Really appropriate?This is the image image of the police that is not satisfactory and the 3 pauses of the trains of traffic violations continued here, and "maximum speed violation" 1,162420 (20) (20).2 %).After that, 75950 "traffic prohibition" (13).1 %), "Signal ignoring" 635,485 (11).0 %), "Mobile phones, etc." 309,058 (5).4 %), "Pedestrian obstruction" 295,32 (5).1 %) is noticeable.It was surprising that there were many "signal ignorance", but as expected, the more notable data was the rate of increase and decrease in the previous year (the first year of the first year).For example, "pedestrian obstruction" is 26.7 % has increased!Click here for the image of the crosswalk for the image of the crosswalk, "overworked, etc." is +35 cases, and there are a small number of 131 per year, but the increase and decrease rate is +36..Five%."Temporary failure" is also 20.It has increased as much as 8 %, and 32 "silencer define".6 %, "Definished person driving" 13.1 % plus.In "maximum speed violation", "50km/h or higher" is -22.9 %, "less than 15km/h" -41.Instead of a significant decrease of 5 %, "25km/h less than 25km/h" is +4.9 %, "20km/h less than" +4.1 %, "less than 30km/h" +3.It is 0 %.The violation items where these crackdowns are increasing remarkably is that the police are now focusing.It is a major premise to follow the traffic rules in the first place, but be careful not to cut off the violation kip, especially for the above key items.

Ryuta Fujita
