• 15/11/2022
  • homesmartjp

The secret of Cainz's DX is to speak in the same language: neither IT terminology nor store terminology (page 1/3)

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Under the vision of "Changing the world from everyday life", "Cainz" operates a home center chain with 226 stores nationwide.

 A home center with a wide range of items that stands out among retailers and a large store space. are you trying to Mr. Keiki Mizuno, General Manager of Omni Strategy Division at Cainz's Digital Strategy Headquarters, gave a lecture titled "What is Cainz's Kindness DX promotion?"

Releasing new functions and services one after another to eliminate the hassle of daily shopping

 The retail industry still relies heavily on human wave tactics, but there is still a lot of room for improvement with digital technology. . Cainz positions digital strategy as one of the four strategies that form the medium-term management plan "PROJECT KINDNESS", and aims to "create an emotional experience from the elimination of annoyance".

Kainz's DX secret is the same Speaking in the same language: Neither IT terms nor store terms (page 1/3) /3 pages)

Mr. Mizuno explained that this digital strategy has four main purposes. The first is “stress-free”. The aim is to eliminate the annoyance that occurs every day in the shopping experience, such as not being able to find the product you are looking for. The second is “personalization,” in which proposals are tailored to each individual customer. And the third is not just to sell products, but to form a "community" that connects with customers and communities. Finally, it is "emotional" that enriches life even a little by providing ideas that make daily life a little more enjoyable and convenient.

Four Objectives of Cainz Digital Reform

 In order to achieve these objectives, Cainz established the Digital Strategy Headquarters in July 2019 through its predecessor, the Digital Planning Office. We are working hard to expand our membership.

 First, in order to eliminate the daily inconvenience felt by members involved in customer service at stores, we released "Find in CAINZ" that can be used on the mobile terminal "SITE Phone". When you enter a product name, keyword, etc., the sales floor and inventory number are displayed on the screen, and now it is also installed in the "CAINZ App".

``There are many products that do not have barcodes, such as bricks and blocks. , we have developed a function that enables you to pay without using a ledger by simply scanning a product to find similar items and displaying the barcode.”

 In addition to being easy to use even for part-time students who do not have frequent shifts, it has the advantage of eliminating the need for regular maintenance of barcodes and ledgers, and is still being renovated as needed.

 We are also developing various services for customers.

 For example, in December 2019, we started introducing the "CAINZ PickUp Locker", which allows you to set aside products and pick them up from your locker at your preferred timing. “While it was fun to look for products at home centers, it was stressful for customers who had already decided what to buy. We have installed lockers for added convenience.”

CAINZ PickUp Locker

Interview with an engineer involved in the development of the "CAINZ PickUp Locker"

I will be the CTO of CAINZ!

First of all, convince the store members and get them to become fans

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