• 21/08/2022
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True LTV Marketing to snuggle up to end users -Macbee Planet Co., Ltd.

How did the manager of the growing company, which will be responsible for the next generation, find business opportunities in the era when pinching and chances are mixed, and how did they face?In this special feature, ZUU ONLINE, editor -in -chief Kazunari Tomita, will talk with a growing company manager to provide special dialogue that approaches corporate management stances, charm and growth factors from the perspective of the same manager.

The guest this time is Yusuke Kojima, Representative Director of Macbee Planet Co., Ltd.He asked him about the line from the founding to the present, the competitive advantage that he had built up, and the future concept that he envisioned.

(Coverage / writing / composition = Natsumi Maruyama)

(画像=株式会社Macbee Planet)小嶋 雄介(こじま・ゆうすけ) 株式会社Macbee Planet代表取締役1984年、神奈川県鎌倉市生まれ。大学卒業後、総合広告代理店に就職。幅広くメディアプランニングを経験。2013年、デジタルマーケティング会社の広告事業責任者として、事業を立ち上げる。15年8月に株式会社Macbee Planetを設立、LTV予測力・コンサルティング力・LTV向上力を強みとして、データを活用したマーケティング分析サービスを提供。最先端のテクノロジーを駆使し、集客にとどまらずユーザーとの関係性向上を目的としたLTVマーケティングを幅広い分野で展開している。冨田 和成(とみた・かずまさ)株式会社ZUU代表取締役神奈川県出身。一橋大学経済学部卒業。大学在学中にIT分野で起業。2006年 野村證券株式会社に入社。国内外の上場企業オーナーや上場予備軍から中小企業オーナーとともに、上場後のエクイティストーリー戦略から上場準備・事業承継案件を多数手掛ける。2013年4月 株式会社ZUUを設立、代表取締役に就任。複数のテクノロジー企業アワードにおいて上位入賞を果たし、会社設立から5年後の2018年6月に東京証券取引所マザーズへ上場。現在は、プレファイナンスの相談や、上場経営者のエクイティストーリーの構築、個人・法人のファイナンス戦略の助言も多数行う。

Challenge to provide value and challenge performance -based marketing

Tomita: We are developing a very wide range of businesses, but please tell us the changes from our founding to the present.

Kojima: Our company was founded in 2015 and developed a business based on marketing and technology.I myself, when I was little, I got tired and I was throwing it out immediately if I didn't get any results.I was a young man who had nothing to be absorbed, but the marketing and ads I met became a member of society were so enthusiastic that I forget the time.

At the advertising agency where I got a job, I was involved in a wide range of media planning, including commercial production, talent casting, and PR events.It was the best job that suits me, but as I repeated my career, I was wondering that advertising and marketing agencies often did not make money.

I want to provide a more close service to the client.As a result, I decided to launch a marketing company with a result reward -type that was still rare at the time with the director, Matsumoto.

Timing is life in business."Marketing x technology" is on time

Tomita: Because we were particular about providing value to clients, we created a result reward -type marketing business.From there, what kind of axis did you expand your service?

Kojima: I think the timing is very important for business success.A few years ago, it was too early and nobody would look at it, but on the contrary, a business that the reading company monopolizes a few years later.Especially for startups, such a market selection is extremely important.

It was clearly imagined from 2015 that not only advertising costs (CPAs) but also customer quality (LTV) are attracting attention in the marketing area.Nevertheless, few companies were paying attention to both.I decided to get hungry since its foundation and break through this market.He was noticed to other businesses, and focused on product development focusing on CPA and LTV.

What is "LTV Marketing" that sets it apart from other companies?

Tomita: If you expand your business area, you will often become a red ocean or increase competition.

Kojima: I think our strength is that data and technology are accumulated and analyzed from other companies.There was a long way to think that CRM (Customer Relationship) was firmly given to customers, and later, as a result of nurting, ltvy time value.However, if the data is efficiently used, we believe that even before conversion, the user will be sifted whether to become a long -term fan.

エンドユーザーにまで寄り添う、真のLTVマーケティング――株式会社Macbee Planet

Although it is complicated, the strength is that the client has the data that the client has with the data held by us to make prediction and analysis how much LTV it will be.There are other advertising companies and marketing companies that are rewarded, but they often place KPIs in CV (conversion number) or CPA (acquisition unit price).These are also important, but if you invest in labor and money, and even if you raise the CV, you will end up in the red if you purchase only once or twice.

We have been evaluated by the "LTV Marketing", which is a long -lasting customer, whether we will be a really long -lasting customer.

Tomita: You have transformed marketing economics by placing not only CVs and CPA but also LTV on the axis.As a result of being close to the customer, doing so far can fight in a completely different field from other companies.Certainly, few companies do so far.

Kojima: It's really grateful that customers can support them.We have two mainly analytics consulting businesses and marketing technology businesses, but the former is a data -driven business, which is the latter business.

There are our own products "Robee", the data analysis platform "Honeycomb", and "Smash" tools, but the types of data obtained are completely different.By merging these and analyzing them, they are connected to the asset.

Tomita: Thank you for talking about the competitive advantage in a very easy -to -understand manner.Can this advantage a new company that aims for this market?

Kojima: I think it will be a barrier to entry.It is very difficult to analyze not only the data that can be obtained for each tool.

We analyze the data scientists to each client based on enormous data.Not only the data, but also the know -how of how to customize and analyze it should have accumulated.

However, I would like to change the data and analysis methods to be acquired in the future without being content with the present, and further sharpen my strengths.

Focus on "Zero Party Data" further

Tomita: It was impressive that the financial results mentioned "demand for zero party data".The first party and zero party are attracting attention from the regulations of the third party, including Google, but please tell us that this part is one keyword.

Kojima: As soon as possible, as soon as possible, the restrictions on data that can be obtained in relation to personal information protection will always come.It is too late to respond after some restrictions, so we plan to move as soon as possible how to get unique data that does not correspond to personal information.

Anyone can easily get the data.It is important to cleanse the data that can only be done by ourselves.

In the example of "Zero Party Data", the end users at the time of cancellation often tell you about the reasons for cancellation that even clients are unknown.Utilizing the raw data should solve more issues for both clients and end users.

Change the cut and take the number one in many areas

Tomita: The business concept that is on the trend in the future and the value of end users is a very exciting story for investors.What is your personality as a manager who created this story?

Kojima: I have a rather plain personality.Rather than drawing a magnificent vision and telling it, the type that is good at achieving and proving each one with a goal.We believe that daily accumulation is important for trust with clients and members and supporting dreams.

I think that temperament is suitable for the business we are currently working on.Analyze trends from data, discover improvements from changes in numerical values.At first glance, the impact on sales is hundreds to billions of yen a year.I think that such a business is one of the top classes in Japan that is said to have 17,000 in Japan.

Tomita: I feel that the tools that clients seek are created because of the commitment to craftsmanship.Are there any other commitments to develop your business?

Kojima: I value the number one.It is difficult to imagine the number one in the advertising industry, but there are various number one even if you change the cut in the "LTV Marketing" area and the "performance -based marketing".There is an overwhelming difference between the number one and the second place.It works overwhelmingly in all of stakeholders, recruitment, human resources, and in -house communication.

To a society where the true LTV is fulfilled

Tomita: Please tell us about what you will work on in the future and the future concept you envision.

Kojima: I will pursue LTV further.A few years later, we believe that the keyword LTV will be more attention in Japan and global.Many platforms and media are overwhelmed, and people cannot handle information.Under such circumstances, it is a person who continues to provide the best services that end users want to use for a long time.Providing services not only about the client but also the users in the future should result in social value.LTV is considered for B, but I want to be a company that sticks to LTV (Life Time Value) even at the true individual level.