• 03/09/2022
  • homesmartjp

Surprising strengths and weaknesses of "Google Home Mini" that I found out: Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker life

 Two times before this series, Google Home wrote that "Tell me today's schedule" but cannot recognize "Tell me the next schedule", but the update is performed before and after the article is published.The phrase "Tell me the next schedule" has been recognized without any problems.Since the voice assistant engine is on the cloud, the behavior is often changing without knowing it.It's just a sunrise month.

 While writing, the other day, the landing of Amazon's smart speaker "Amazon Echo" was announced.In addition to the announcement of 265 skills to expand the heart, Alexa, and the time, a third -party Alexa speaker has been announced at the same time.It's a cut impression.

 In this series, we plan to deliver this Amazon Echo, but there are still a lot of functions to introduce about Google Home that has been featured so far.This time, we will introduce the features of Google Home "Google Home Mini" released in October and the differences from Google Home.

「Google Home Mini」の本体。6480円(税込)とリーズナブルだ。カラーは今回購入したチョークの他に、黒っぽい「チャコール」、ピンクに近い「コーラル」の3色がある「Google Home」(右)と並べたところ

I want to install it nearby to operate as a whisper as possible

 Originally, it is ideal to install one smart speaker in each room.Regardless of whether it is Google Home or Amazon Echo, a low -priced small model in addition to the standard size model is the premise that it is to be installed in each room in the home.

 Conversely, regardless of any product, the built -in microphone can be picked up from anywhere in the room, but that is just a general voice.If you can't make a loud voice at night, such as at night, you need to be as close to the speaker or talk to the speaker.

 In the case of the author, Google Home was installed at the middle point between the working desk and the bed.The distance is about 1m from both, and there is no problem to talk with a normal voice volume, but at night you want to be as low as possible, you have to go back to the direction of Google Home and talk, and it is somewhat troublesome.I was starting to feel.

試して分かった「Google Home Mini」の意外な強みと弱み:山口真弘のスマートスピーカー暮らし

 That's why I decided to move Google Home to the bedside of the bed and install another smart speaker near the work desk.What came to my home in this way is nothing but Google Home Mini.

Google Home Miniのパッケージはサイコロ風の立方体開封。ファブリック調の本体が姿を現す大きなマカロン、穴のないドーナツなどと言われることがよく分かるボディーだ付属品一覧。本体とACアダプターの他、クイックスタートガイドなどが添付される本体背面。ACアダプターの接続口はUSB Micro-Bコネクター。隣にはマイクをオフにできるスイッチがあるACアダプターは形状としてはおしゃれなのだが、コンセントの隣の口にやや干渉しやすい電源ケーブルを接続したところ使い方を紹介するリーフレット。本体の説明書を兼ねているため、Google Homeに添付されるものとは異なる

 Google Home Mini (MINI) is a Google Home that has a smaller body by simplifying the speaker.The diameter is less than 10cm, a slightly larger donut.Because of this compactness, the biggest advantage is that you do not choose the installation location.

 Most of the setup procedures and functions are the same as Google Home.After connecting the power cable to the main unit, you can find the product when you start the Google Home app on your smartphone, so you can decide the installation location according to the setup procedure, connect to Wi-Fi, test whether the voice can be recognized.You can use it by completing some remaining settings.

 As an aside.This product can lower the volume by tapping the left side of the upper part of the main unit, but at this point only a few people know it.Therefore, many people continue to set up with the explosion.This is what I want you to do.

スマホでGoogle Homeアプリを起動すると製品が見つかる(画像=左)。末尾の4桁数字が何を意味するのかは謎だ。設置場所を決める(画像=右)。今回は仮に「書斎」とした。既に要領を把握しており、後日変更できることを知っているせいで、選び方が雑になりつつあるWi-Fiへの接続完了後、指示された文章を本体に向かって読み上げる(画像=左)。筆者のように1つのGoogleアカウントに複数のGoogle Homeをひも付ける場合は、どちらをデフォルトにするか尋ねられる(画像=右)。1製品だけであればこの画面は表示されないセットアップは以上で完了だが、利用開始にあたって、デフォルトでオフになっているリクエスト開始時・終了時の応答音をオンにしておく。これで操作が受け付けられているか音で判断できるようになる

A secret advantage that mini has a small minimum volume

 By the way, there are several reasons for bringing mini to the desk side and Google Home to the bedside.

 One is simply a matter of installation space.The mini is only 42mm in height, so it fits in the space under the display.From the point of view of the writer sitting on a chair, it is almost in front of you, so it is ideal to operate in a whisper without changing your posture.With a volume Google Home, this is difficult.


 The other is operability at the bedside.Google Home has a touch panel on the top plate, so you can stop music with one tap.In fact, the same function was implemented in the before the release of the MINI, but it was disabled due to some problems, and the only option is to use a voice command to mute the audio in mini now.

 Especially when using an alarm function at the bedside, it is more useful to be physically stopped with the same feeling as an alarm clock than using a voice command.This means that Google Home has become a bedside, and the mini is the desk side.

Miniは、本体上面の左右をタップすれば音量を調整できるが、ワンタップでミュートはできないGoogle Homeはこのように円を描くことで音量を調整できるほか、ワンタップでミュートも可能だ

 Another thing, as I found out after actually installing it, the minimum speaker is smaller than Google Home also matches my application.

 Google Home has a reasonable volume even at a minimum volume, and when requesting a little smaller, it often becomes mute.In that regard, mini is clearly smaller than Google Home, so if it is used to keep the BGM flushing while narrowing down the volume, mini is more useful.

 In fact, Google Home tends to lower the treble as the volume is lowered.In rooms with PC cooling fans, the tendency is remarkable, and some songs have completely disappeared vocals and guitars, and only the bass sounds can be heard from the beginning to the end.

 In this product review, it is often evaluated as "Google Home is higher than MINI", which is certainly Jesus, but it is a story when the music source is played with the volume that echoes throughout the room.Smart speakers are not always used only for music playback, so Mini, which is inferior to sound quality depending on the application, may be more convenient.When choosing a product, I wonder if there is such a viewpoint.

 to be continued.

Related keywords

スマートスピーカー | Google | Google Home | AIアシスタント

