• 02/05/2022
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Will the price of Ripple be 1 million yen?Introducing the grounds and cases of surge

In February 2022, "Ripple", a cryptocurrency asset whose price dropped due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The price of Ripple, which has shown a steady recovery since then, is in the 80 yen range as of March 2022. What will happen to the price of Ripple, which attracts the attention of investors, "Isn't it going to be 1 million yen in the future?"

This time, we will predict what the price of Ripple will be in the future with reference to the opinions of experts. In the first place, we will explain what kind of crypto asset is Ripple in an easy-to-understand manner for beginners, so please use it as the first step in trading Ripple.

table of contents

  1. May the price of Ripple be 1 million yen in the future?
  2. Ripple basic information
  3. A positive factor that can be said that the price of Ripple will rise to 1 million yen in the future
  4. Negative factor that it can be said that the price of Ripple will not rise to 1 million yen in the future
  5. Ripple price trends up to 2021
  6. Expert price forecast for Ripple after 2022
  7. Case where crypto assets (virtual currency) soared
  8. Opinions about Ripple's price changes seen on SNS
  9. Comparison table of recommended cryptocurrency (virtual currency) exchanges where you can purchase Ripple
  10. 6 Recommended Cryptocurrency (Cryptocurrency) Exchanges Where You Can Buy Ripple
  11. Key points for choosing a crypto asset (virtual currency) exchange to buy Ripple
  12. Storage method and precautions after purchasing Ripple
  13. Know the characteristics of Ripple and start trading
  14. Frequently asked questions about Ripple

May the price of Ripple be 1 million yen in the future?

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

Ripple (XRP) is a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) with an attractive amount of 1XRP = around 82 yen (as of March 4, 2022), which is easy to buy even for beginners. In January 2018, when the price reached a record high, it was reported that virtual currencies such as Ripple would be used for joint remittance experiments by financial institutions in Japan and South Korea, and it showed great excitement. After that, the price has continued to be dull compared to other virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, but since the beginning of 2021, it has been on an upward trend again, and there are expectations for future increases. Ripple is a type of cryptocurrency (virtual currency) that is expected to "grow" in the future, and there are two main reasons.

-The number of Ripple issuance has reached the upper limit, and the number of Ripple issuance that may increase in rarity has reached 100 billion as of February 2022, reaching the upper limit of issuance. Therefore, it is unlikely that additional issues will be issued in the future, and its rarity may increase.

・ There is a network of major financial institutions There is a network called "RippleNet" in which major financial institutions in the world participate. Furthermore, if financial institutions around the world form an information network, it is believed that Ripple's creditworthiness and value will increase.

As of March 2022, Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency asset whose price per currency exceeds 1 million yen, but that Bitcoin is also the current Ripple around March 2011 when the first exchange in Japan was established. It was about 1BTC = 74 yen, which is cheaper than that. However, about five and a half years later, the virtual currency bubble in November 2017 exceeded 1 million yen for the first time, and at one point it has grown to over 7 million yen. Although the situation is completely different from Bitcoin in the early days of virtual currency, there is a precedent that has actually grown so much, so the possibility that Ripple will be about 1 million yen is not zero.

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Ripple basic information

Ripple (XRP / ripple) is a virtual currency used in remittance solutions for financial institutions created by "Ripple" in the United States. Officially, Ripple is not a crypto asset (virtual currency) name, but it is commonly called "Ripple".

Here, we will introduce the features of Ripple.

Ripple is a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) that specializes in international remittances. RippleNet is attended by more than 100 financial institutions and companies in more than 55 countries, including central banks such as the Bank of England and Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, as well as domestic financial institutions such as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and SBI Holdings. Therefore, you can smoothly transfer money across national borders. Ripple is established as a "bridge currency" that mediates between currencies of each country, and remittance methods such as Japanese yen → Ripple → dollar are also possible.

In addition, anyone can create a Ripple wallet, so it can be used in areas where many people do not have a bank account. Therefore, if the number of financial institutions participating in RippleNet increases in the future, it is expected that the method of international remittance will change.

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Mining is a coined word that means "to approve data and issue a new currency". For Bitcoin and Ethereum, currencies are gradually flowing into the market due to mining. On the other hand, Ripple is said to have no "mining" because the maximum number of issued sheets is 100 billion.

But not all of Ripple is on the market. Ripple is managed mainly by Ripple and has great authority. Ripple owns more than half of the total, and gradually releases it to the market.

In addition, the server related to Ripple is also managed by Ripple, and unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, it can be said to be centralized.

The number of Ripple issuance is said to be 100 billion, which has already reached the upper limit. Compared to the 21 million Bitcoin issuance limit, you can see that it is an order of magnitude higher. Compared to cryptographic assets (virtual currencies) that do not have an issuance limit such as Ethereum, the number of issuance is large, but it can be said that the rarity value is high.

Ripple's high volume is due to its intended use in the $ 600 billion international remittance market annually. The number of issues is set high so that many people can own Ripple and use it for remittance.

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Ripple is characterized by the overwhelming speed of remittance compared to other crypto assets (virtual currency). Bitcoin takes about 10 minutes at the shortest, but Ripple takes only a few seconds.

Normally, approval work by multiple people is required to process cryptographic assets (virtual currency) transactions. However, Ripple can be processed with a small number of approvals, allowing for quick remittances. In addition, because the remittance fee is low, it is considered to be a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) that has many advantages for banks and remittance companies.

The current international remittance market is dominated by major financial institutions, and it is not uncommon for remittances to take more than two days. But with Ripple, you can complete an international transfer in just a few seconds.

It is also managed by Ripple and is said to be compatible with the existing financial system because it provides products for companies. Since it has alliances and cooperative relationships with many financial institutions, it can be said that it is outstanding in terms of the affinity of the financial system compared to other cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies).

Furthermore, because of its low cost, it can be said to be an attractive crypto asset (virtual currency) from the viewpoint of practicality.

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Ripple differs from other crypto assets (virtual currencies) in two main points: "being centralized" and "not using blockchain".

As already mentioned, "being centralized" is characterized by the fact that Ripple is the actual administrator.

Another big feature is that it doesn't use blockchain. The technology called "XRP Ledger" used for Ripple is called "Distributed Ledger Technology". Blockchain is also a distributed ledger technology, but there are differences in approval algorithms.

Cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) other than Ripple use approval algorithms such as PoW and PoS. On the other hand, Ripple has introduced a "PoC". PoCs can only participate in approval work by a limited number of people. It also features a system that "only transactions approved by 80% validators (people who process transactions) are judged to be correct".

In this way, Ripple does not use blockchain and introduces a unique approval algorithm called PoC, which is a big difference.

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A positive factor that can be said that the price of Ripple will rise to 1 million yen in the future

Ripple is one of the cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrencies) that are thought to increase in value in the future and have the potential to make significant profits. Here, we would like to introduce the positive factors that are expected to rise to 1 million yen in the future.

As mentioned above, Ripple has already reached the issuance limit of 100 billion, and it is said that it will not be newly issued in the future. No matter how much Ripple will be used in the future, the quantity of Ripple itself will not increase.

However, when making international remittances on the Ripple Network in the future, you will need to pay the fee in Ripple. Ripple paid as a remittance fee will disappear, so if the number of remittances using Ripple increases in the future, the number of Ripple in circulation will decrease. As a result, the scarcity value of Ripple will continue to grow and may increase in value.

Ripple is also a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) that is likely to be used for payment in the future. Ripple is being put to practical use, and the British remittance company "MercuryFX" has started commercial use of Ripple's remittance system "xRapid".

It also features cooperation with many banks and financial institutions. Ripple is affiliated with financial institutions around the world, and in Japan, major companies such as Mizuho Financial Group and SBI Holdings are also affiliated.

In addition, Ripple remittances are low cost and speedy, which is significantly superior to other international remittance methods. Therefore, it is highly likely that it will be used for international payments in the future.

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Ripple is said to be a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) used by many celebrities. Yoshitaka Kitao, the president of SBI Holdings, and Tsubasa Yozawa, the investor, are well-known supporters of Ripple in Japan. The two made quite positive statements about Ripple.

In addition, Ripple is adopted as the key currency on the exchange "SBI VC Trade" whose entire parent company is the SBI Group. In addition, he is showing a fairly positive attitude toward Ripple, such as forecasting the price of Ripple. Given the high expectations of these celebrities for Ripple, we can expect Ripple's future to be bright.

It is highly likely that Ripple will conduct an IPO (initial public offering) in the future. IPO is to sell stocks to investors so that they can be listed on the stock exchange and trade stocks. Companies can raise money by selling stock on an IPO.

Also, after an IPO, prices often skyrocket, making it easier for IPO buyers to make a profit. IPOs will attract attention, so investors are likely to get to Ripple.

Rumors that Ripple will conduct an IPO have been around for several years, but as of March 1, 2022, it has not. One of the reasons is a lawsuit with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is believed that if this litigation issue is resolved, we will aim for an IPO.

Yoshitaka Kitao of SBI Holdings, who has a favorable view of Ripple, also said, "If the SEC proceedings are completed, we may aim for an IPO." Therefore, it is worth checking the price of Ripple while watching the movement of Ripple in the future.

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The big attraction of Ripple is that the international money transfer system is easy to use. Traditionally, international remittances have been done via a system called "SWIFT". SWIFT remits money via a number of "correspondent banks" that exchange currencies. As a result, many remittance fees and time were required.

On the other hand, Ripple uses Ripple's remittance network "RippleNet". Remittance is completed in about 3.3 seconds due to the use of our own system. This is an overwhelmingly short time compared to other crypto assets (virtual currency).

In addition, remittance fees are significantly lower than international remittances. One remittance costs about 0.0004 dollars (about 0.045 yen in Japanese yen), so the remittance fee is significantly lower than other crypto assets (virtual currency).

Ripple is also characterized by having alliances with many major financial institutions. We have a wide range of alliances from major banks that represent the country to banks that are close to us. Some of them are as follows.

Famous financial institutions with which we are affiliated


We also have partnerships with various financial institutions. The Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand are the leading central banks of the country. Since even such a major bank has a tie-up with Ripple, Ripple's creditworthiness is considered to be high.

If Ripple's remittance becomes more practical, it is believed that affiliated financial institutions around the world will switch to the lower cost "RippleNet". If "RippleNet", which has low remittance fees and short remittance time, becomes widespread, it is said that the number of financial institutions affiliated with it will increase in the future.

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Another positive factor is that Ripple is becoming more widespread in Asia. In 2021, Ripple acquired a 40% stake in Asia's leading international money transfer service company, Tranglo. By doing so, Ripple aims to meet the demand in the Asian region, improve the efficiency of remittance management capital, and realize immediate remittance.

In 2020, we will also form a partnership with "Dee Money", an international remittance company in Thailand. The company is a member of "RippleNet" and uses it for real-time remittances from other countries to Thailand. In the future, we will introduce outbound international remittances from Thailand to other countries.

In this way, Ripple is spreading mainly in Asia. Ripple is showing a move to expand its business mainly in Southeast Asia, and it is expected that this move will accelerate in the future.

The size of international remittances in the Asian market is estimated at about $ 500 billion, and if this gradually replaces Ripple, the value of Ripple is likely to rise in the future.

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Negative factor that it can be said that the price of Ripple will not rise to 1 million yen in the future

Ripple is expected to have high future potential, but there are also negative factors. If you're thinking about buying Ripple, know not only the positive factors, but also the negative factors.

Here are six negative factors for Ripple.

It has been pointed out that not only Ripple but also the regulation of crypto assets (virtual currency) may be tightened in the future. In May 2021, China tightened its laws and regulations, and the entire crypto assets (virtual currency) turned down.

In addition, the CEO of Tesla, an American electric car maker, withdrew the policy that "Bitcoin can be used as the purchase price of its own EV", which is also the cause of the decline.

US regulatory agencies are also said to be discussing the regulation of crypto assets (virtual currency). The specific direction has not yet been decided, but if regulations are tightened in other countries in the future, it will inevitably become a further downtrend.

One of Ripple's concerns is the trial with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Ripple was sued by the SEC in December 2020. The reason is that "Ripple sold Ripple as an unregistered securities."

The issue in that case is "Does the ripple of crypto assets (virtual currency) correspond to securities?" The trial is believed to be lengthy and has not been settled as of March 1, 2022.

If Ripple loses and it is judged that "Ripple is a security", Ripple can only be handled by the stock exchange in the United States. That would disrupt markets not just in the United States, but around the world.

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It has been pointed out that Ripple may be under selling pressure by Ripple in the future. Ripple continues to be sold little by little by Ripple. Ripple sells a certain percentage of Ripple to the market every month, but the founder, who is said to have about 20% of the total amount of Ripple, also emits Ripple intermittently.

There is no limit to the ripple that the founder emits. Therefore, it is thought that more Ripple is actually released to the market than the amount announced by Ripple.

From this, it is pointed out that Ripple is under selling pressure and may perform worse than other crypto assets (virtual currency).


Currently, "SWIFT" is generally used as a means of international remittance. In order for Ripple to become mainstream in the international money transfer market, it must beat SWIFT in a share battle.

However, SWIFT is said to be attended by more than 10,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries around the world. It is completely unknown whether we can exceed this share. Ripple is overwhelmingly superior in terms of costs such as remittance speed and remittance fees. If Ripple can showcase its functional benefits, it may be able to win the competition with the SWIFT. However, as of 2022, it is not known which one will win the competition, so it is considered to be a negative factor.

Even if Ripple spreads all over the world, its value does not necessarily increase proportionally. Let's say that Ripple will be adopted as a means of remittance by financial institutions around the world in the future. Then, the value of Ripple is likely to increase, but it is said that it is not always the case.

Even if Ripple is used as a means of remittance between banks, it is thought that the price will not rise because Ripple will be released immediately after the remittance is completed. For this reason, it cannot be said unconditionally that the penetration rate of Ripple will increase = the price will increase.

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Ripple may be considered securities in the United States in the future. This involves a trial with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If the SEC wins this case and it is decided that "Ripple is a security", it will be treated as a security in the United States in the future.

When it comes to securities, the sale and purchase of Ripple will be subject to the same restrictions as stocks. If that happens, the value of Ripple itself will be reassessed, and it is possible that it will start to decline.

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Ripple price trends up to 2021

In fact, many people may be wondering what the price of Ripple is like. It is a point to check past price changes so that you can see the future. Here, we would like to introduce the price transition of Ripple up to 2021.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

Ripple was first published by Ripple in 2012. It is said to have been issued to reduce the cost required for international payments.

Early Ripple from 2012 was locking up while working with financial institutions. Lockup means that Ripple limits the sale of Ripple. This lockup was thought to be a factor in the initial price increase. In 2014, Ripple's price soared due to a partnership with Earthport, an overseas money transfer service in the United Kingdom.

After that, the price soared for a month in response to the statement by Chris Larsen, then CEO of Ripple, that "payment can be completed in 5 seconds". And until 2016, there was no significant change in market capitalization.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

2017 is a time when Ripple has risen even further. Since the revised Funds Settlement Law came into effect on April 1, 2017, and the property value of crypto assets (virtual currency) was recognized by law, it is believed that the price of crypto assets (virtual currency) as a whole has risen. increase.

Another factor is that the market size of crypto assets (virtual currency) as a whole is growing. At one point, one ripple exceeded 400 yen. But then the price fell after the highs continued. Many investors started Ripple investment at this time of attention, and it is still a hot topic during price fluctuations.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

Starting in 2018, 1 billion Ripple will be released from lockup on the 1st of every month. Since January 2018, prices have fallen, and a major incident, Coincheck's NEM outflow, has occurred. As a result, all crypto assets (virtual currency) deposited in Coincheck cannot be deposited / withdrawn / purchased / sold.

As a result, the price of crypto assets (virtual currency) as a whole has fallen sharply. The price of Ripple will fall accordingly, but it is said that it maintained a higher level than the market capitalization at that time because it had formed alliances with various financial institutions and companies.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

Ripple has been hovering between 30-40 yen in the first half of 2019. After that, the price soared from May to July, sometimes exceeding 50 yen. After that, in September, the price fell by half, but it rose again compared to November, and it continued to fall and rise sharply.

It is said that this is influenced by various events that occurred in 2019. For example, in February 2019, we partnered with the central bank of Saudi Arabia, and in March, we will be able to send Ripple via Gmail. However, the filing of a complaint by the Ripple Investor Group in August was one of the factors behind the price decline.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

In 2020, it is following a downward trend, and at one point it was in the 15 yen range. One of the reasons for this is that the crypto asset (virtual currency) bubble has come to an end and the market as a whole has been on the decline.

In May 2020, it will decline further due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Others are in the price range of 20 to 30 yen throughout the year. After that, Ripple's launch of "PayID" in the second half of 2020 and the investment in Japanese payment companies have had an impact, and prices are showing a recovery trend.

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

Ripple in 2021 showed an upward trend. In April 2021, 1 Ripple reached the highest price since 2018 at 200 yen. In addition, with the listing of Coinbase, the entire cryptocurrency (virtual currency) market will be excited.

Furthermore, the fact that DeFi / NFT attracted attention is considered to be one of the factors behind the price increase. In 2021, it also attracted attention that it acquired the shares of "Tranglo", which provides the international remittance service that represents Asia.

It is said that the fact that Ripple has strengthened its cooperative relationship with financial institutions in this way may have been highly evaluated by investors.

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Expert price forecast for Ripple after 2022

(Quote: CoinMarketCap)

There are both positive and negative factors that influence the price of Ripple. So how do experts predict the price of Ripple after 2022?

Many experts predict that the proceedings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will have a significant impact on Ripple's price movements. "If the proceedings are separated and the winning case on the Ripple side is confirmed, the price of Ripple will rise further," he said.

I will explain in detail the price forecast of Ripple issued by crypto asset (virtual currency) exchanges and the media.

"CoinSwitch", a cryptocurrency exchange, predicts that the price of Ripple will rise in the future. In particular, it is expected to skyrocket from 2025 to 2030.

CoinSwitch Price Forecast

Prices haven't changed much between 2021 and 2023, but by 2025 it's expected to be $ 4.52, more than double that of 2021. In 2030, the price is expected to skyrocket to $ 17.0576.

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The Crypto Coin Society, a cryptocurrency media, expects prices to rise moderately.

Crypto Coin Society Price Forecast

By 2025, it is expected that prices will rise moderately, similar to CoinSwitch. It is expected to be $ 4.60 in 2025, nearly four times the price in 2021.

Given the similar expectations of CoinSwitch and the Crypto Coin Society by 2025, it is expected that they will actually rise in this way.

"PrimeXBT", a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) trading platform, makes the following forecasts.

Prime XBT Price Forecast

PrimeXBT expects Ripple to win a proceeding with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), reaching $ 16 in 2021. Actually, as of March 1, 2022, the trial was not settled, so there was no price increase so far.

However, if Ripple wins the proceedings with the SEC, it is not unlikely that Ripple will rise as expected.

View crypto asset (cryptocurrency) exchanges where you can buy Ripple

"Investing Haven" has a wide range of expectations.

Investing Haven Price Forecast

It's a fairly broad forecast, but it's a high forecast when the maximum is 1 ripple = $ 20. It seems that they also think that the price may fluctuate greatly as a result of the trial.

"Digital coin", a media specializing in cryptocurrencies (virtual currency), is expected to rise to 230 yen in 2022.さらに2025年までに420円まで上昇するとの予想もあります。長期的に上昇トレンドにあると予想されているため、期待値の高い暗号資産(仮想通貨)であるといえます。





















無料申し込み・約定数量×0.01%~0.15% 14通貨6通貨
無料申し込み・メイカー:-0.02%テイカー:0.12% 13通貨13通貨
無料申し込み・販売所:無料・取引所 Maker:-0.01%・取引所 Taker:0.05% 19通貨9通貨
無料申し込み・現物取引:無料・レバレッジ取引:無料現物取引で6通貨レバレッジ取引で14通貨 ――――
無料申し込み・約定数量×0.01%~0.15% 14通貨6通貨
無料申し込み・メイカー:-0.02%テイカー:0.12% 13通貨13通貨
無料申し込み・販売所:無料・取引所 Maker:-0.01%・取引所 Taker:0.05% 19通貨9通貨
無料申し込み・現物取引:無料・レバレッジ取引:無料現物取引で6通貨レバレッジ取引で14通貨 ――――



リップルを購入するには暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所に口座を開設する必要があります ここではおすすめの暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所6選をご紹介します。

取扱通貨(販売所) 16通貨
取扱通貨(取引所) 5通貨
最低取引数量(販売所/BTC) 500円相当額以上
最低取引数量(取引所/BTC) 0.005BTC以上かつ500円相当額以上
送金手数料(BTC) 0.0005 BTC〜(変動手数料制)
Deposit fee銀行振込:無料クイック入金:770円〜コンビニ入金:770円〜1,018円
出金手数料407 yen
Leverage trading ――――






取扱通貨数(取引所) 6通貨(BTC, ETH, BCH, MONA, XRP, XLM)
最低取引数量(販売所/BTC) 0.00000001BTC
最低取引数量(取引所/BTC) 0.001BTC
取引手数料(取引所) 0.01~0.15%
送金手数料(BTC) 0.0004BTC
Deposit fee・銀行振込:無料・クイック入金住信SBIネット銀行:無料住信SBIネット銀行以外:330円
Leverage trading 2 times





しかし、「三井住友銀行」以外の場合、3万円未満の出金が550円(税込)となり、3万円以上では770円(税込) と手数料が高くなります。さらに、販売所はスプレッドが広く設定されているので取引コストも高めです。
















GMOコインの無料登録はこちらから(引用:DMM Bitcoin公式サイト)1XRP=80円の場合(DMM Bitcoin)
DMM BitcoinのメリットDMM Bitcoinのデメリット

DMM BitcoinはDMMグループを親会社に持つ取引所です。ビットコインやリップルを含めた14種類の暗号資産の取引が可能です。また「入出金手数料」や「取引手数料」などの手数料が無料なので、手数料を気にせず取引ができます(BitMatch以外)。


またDMM Bitcoinは使いやすく豊富な取引ツールやアプリをそろえています。アプリは、シンプルな資産管理画面や取引画面などを実現しているため、初心者でも使いやすくなっています。さらにパソコン版の取引システムに匹敵するような機能をスマホアプリに搭載しており、さまざまな注文方法に対応しています。


DMM Bitcoinで現物取引が可能な通貨は以下の6種類です。そのほかの仮想通貨を取引したい方は他の取引所を選ぶ必要があるでしょう。

またDMM Bitcoinは販売所形式を採用しているので、取引所形式の利用はできません。またスプレッドが広く設定されているので、予想した価格で購入できない可能性もあります。

DMM Bitcoinの無料登録はこちらから(引用:BITPOINT公式サイト)1XRP=80円の場合(BITPOINT)














































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