• 25/08/2022
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[Teached by Takashi Matsuda, a pioneer of ICT education] What is the good way to get along with digital devices that look forward to the future?

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松田孝さんプロフィール MAZDA Incredible Lab代表。東京学芸大学卒後、東京都公立小学校の教師に。その後、上越教育大学大学院修士課程を修了し、教育委員会の主任指導主事、小学校校長を3校歴任する。辞職後は、2019年に合同会社MAZDA Incredible Lab設立。ICTを活用した子どもたちの学びを支援する。総務省「地域情報化アドバイザー」、群馬県教育イノベーション会議委員、金沢市「プログラミング教育ディレクター」も務める。Webサイトはコチラ

STEP 1 What is ICT education that Takashi Matsuda thinks?

Matsuda last arrived as the principal at Koganei City Maehara Elementary School.There, we distributed a computer and tablet one by one, and conducted ICT and programming education ahead of time.The activities were not only educational institutions but also from each media.

After retirement from the retirement age, he established a joint company Mazda Incredible Lab.Currently Society5.We are working hard to realize a new "learning".How do the pioneers of ICT education perceive this new learning form?

"There is already high quality educational content on the Internet. If you only learn knowledge and skills, you can learn yourself without going to school. Furthermore, communication using SNS etc.You can take it. ICT education is a new learning trigger and a drastic change in the style of education. In that sense, I think it is a paradigm shift, one educational philosophy. "

* The paradigm shift refers to the fact that the perceptions and ideas that were commonplace in that era and fields, the values of society as a whole change dramatically.

Until now, what I couldn't learn unless I went to school was a time when anyone could learn anywhere with information terminals and Internet such as PCs and tablets.YouTube has detailed video content that allows you to gain all kinds of learning from mathematics to physical education, and you can use it as soon as you download drills and reference books.So what role does educational institutions play in such an era?

"The school has friends. Learning in collaboration is very valuable. Children will learn independently while stimulating in a group that has been recognized.That is ideal. We believe that the teachers in the future will play a role in supporting and supporting children as a coach, mentor, and facilitator. "

What kind of power should students acquire in an era when the style of being taught at school is fundamentally transformed?And what kind of power will be required in the future in the future?

STEP 2 What is the power needed for generations that live in a future society that you haven't seen yet?

Considering the future in a modern society where the flow of flows, it may be anxious.There may be no immutable power to survive this world.

But before you go to society, there must be the basic power you want to wear.What do Matsuda think?

"Searching skills to search for accurate things from the whirlpool of information, presentation skills that convey their thoughts and thoughts, the ability to use the cloud, and most basic and universal communication skills ... they are necessary as a member of society.It will be

But should parents teach it at home?That's another story.

"I guess there are many more familiar children with information and communication technology. So, rather than teaching something, I'm interested in what children are doing now.I hope you can snuggle up and have your child teach you. "

In the coming era, the ability to learn independently is required.It is the same not only at school but also at home.In other words, parents need the abilities such as coaches, mentors, and facilitators needed for teachers in the future.So, specifically, what should you do at home?

"I hope we can think together what kind of people needed in the future and the human resources needed in society.I will do it. In such a case, it is a good idea to talk about what kind of information will you bring, what kind of risk you will bring, and what kind of risk you have. "

What about learning?

"For learning," looking back "is a very important position. In other words, it is necessary to spell out the value of learning by yourself, and not only that, but also to the learning and work you want.I can embody what I want to live like this ... I hope I can bring out such a posture. "

Since 2021, Mr. Matsuda has been "SHUFFLE".(Shuffle Ten) is provided.If you look back on what students have learned at school, AI analyzes and extracts 10 video content and suggests.By using this system, we aim to gain even more urgency and lead to voluntary learning.

In the future, such systems will be provided by schools and may be used at home.Not only this, what kind of device should I have when I want to get an ICT learning environment outside the school?


Step 3 What is the ideal PC that university students should have?

Currently, there are various devices, but considering that it is used for learning at school and at home, it may be narrowed down to laptop or tablet options.

"The keyboard is a must for gaining the power required when you go to society. Blind touch is a good technology for working people. Tablet is good, but a laptop computer.It can be said that it is more appropriate. Also, considering carrying, it is better to be lighter and thinner. "

So, this time, Mr. Matsuda used a new product "Iiyama Campus PC" released by Unitcom (PC studio) for students.

「iiyama キャンパスPC」とは……

Click here for details of "Iiyama Campus PC"

"Oh, the lightness and thinness of this campus PC are very good. I don't feel the weight even if I put it in a bag.

Actually, the weight is about 0.It is 98kg (including battery) and 1kg or less.After all, those who are portable, lightweight and thin ones are attractive.So what about the price and specifications?

"If you use it as the first one, you can have a budget. Speaking of straight, it is cheap. However, it is an era where you can learn in online classes and video content, so I will talk that the processing cannot be done properly.Not. IIYAMA campus PCs have a solid performance. "

Yes, this PC.Core i5-1135G7 for CPU, 8GB memory for memory, M.2 SSDs 500GB, graphics equipped with UHD GRAPHICS, which is very cost -effective at 99,980 yen (tax included).In addition to the 1 million pixel camera, it also supports high-speed wireless LAN standard Wi-Fi 6, so online classes are comfortable.It also supports 180 -degree flat open, which is convenient for presentations.

But this is a performance story.Is there any other attraction that students can use?

"When studying using a personal computer, there are many cases where the screen is divided with a multi -tab. When you work while checking the materials side by side, you can do so if the screen is so large. The screen is large.I think it's an important factor. In addition, it would be nice if the screen display was beautiful. IIYAMA was originally a liquid crystal display company, and IIYAMAPC is particular about domestic production and has high quality.I heard that it produces a PC. The screen is also beautiful. "

By the way, I am still a student who has to borrow the help of parents.When it is broken, buy a new one as soon as possible.Are you worried about the sense of security when something happened?

"IIYAMA has a factory in Nagano Prefecture, right?

The campus PC has passed a strict standard test set by the US Department of Defense Procurement Standards (Mil-STD 810G), and has excellent robustness that can withstand shock, vibration, and temperature changes.It is perfect for students who use them in various scenes, such as taking them to school, working at the library, stopping at a cafe on the way home, and watching video content at home.In addition, we receive 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and has a four -year product warranty.

"Actually, when I heard about this interview, I wanted to actually use the IIYAMA campus PC. I was very interested in the part that could be customized with BTO.It seems interesting to go. If E-Sports becomes even more widespread, customization in BTO may become commonplace. "

BTO (Build to Order) means "order -to -order production", and can customize it according to the user's request, such as memory and SSD capacity.There is an advantage that mistakes and parts are not bugs like a self -made PC because the unitcom is assembled in the factory and the unitcom is assembled in the factory.

"I felt that I would like to do it because I can do BTO at a low price. I think this has a merit for students.You can add the necessary elements. You can buy a suitable computer by considering the specifications you need, saying, "I want to use this kind of computer."I think it's a very suitable computer for intermediate people with knowledge. "

STEP 4 Let's use ICT correctly and correctly to live happily and richly every day

A digital device that is no longer a necessity for our lives.You will be a partner that will be replaced every few years according to your life.But the protagonist of life is still "I".

"If you go abroad, you may review that Japanese traditional culture is wonderful. Similarly, if you are aware that you are in the cyber space, and reconsider from there, you will surely look from the real space.You will notice the goodness of the real space. You can use cyber space, play with visual and hearing, but feel the real space where we live without trapping in that space with the five senses and polished.I think that it will lead to the happiness of living a new society. I want ICT to make it a solid life, and eventually make human life happy and rich. "

In the changing modern times, when you look at the future, you may be worried about its uncertainty.But the progress of technology should make our work more convenient and more comfortable.Please open up a nice future with your computer "IIYAMA Campus PC" that enhances your campus life!

Click here for details of "Iiyama Campus PC"

[PR] Provided: Unitcom