• 31/05/2022
  • homesmartjp

The landing page cannot be completely updated! In order to continuously improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising, "optimization" should be carried out in the Amax B test.

Restaurant, corporate home page, dim sum packaging. Japan likes new things, so it updates in different places every day. The creativity of online advertising is no exception, but there are some things that can never be done. It is a full update of the single mail order (D2C) landing page!

Make a full update to the landing page and you will give up all the tricks you have previously developed. In fact, there is an endless stream of tragedies for single-item mail-order (D2C) companies that fail to fully update their landing pages. This column will show you how to continue to improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising more reliably than full updates.

The complete update of LP is prescribed by law.

For single-item mail order (D2C) companies, the landing page of the place where they meet new customers determines the conversion rate to a large extent. It may be a very natural trend for single item mail order (D2C) companies that want to improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising to consider updating the landing page. After updating the landing page, cheer up with the feeling of a new beginning, the mood will be very good. There should also be a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment when it takes time and effort to complete the update.

I know how you feel. However, that is only the producer's self-satisfaction! Straightforward, the full update of the landing page must not be done! In mail order (D2C) online advertising, complete update is prescribed by law!

And why is that? Fully updating the login page is the same as resetting all information. If you completely update the landing page, you will give up all previous know-how.

Doing such a thing 10 years later will not improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising, it is just a continuous contest. Let's keep in mind that direct marketers in the world can never succeed in online advertising without a good understanding of this.

The danger of updating on the basis of assumptions

There are all kinds of renovations in the world, such as the renovation of restaurant decoration and snack packaging, but what many industries have in common is the "hypothetical basis".

For example, in the case of a restaurant, it is too unrealistic to "build a store with multiple models of interiors, tested in advance and converted into the interiors with the largest number of customers and sales".

Because prior testing and effect measurement are difficult, it can only be updated according to the hypothesis that customers will increase in this way and sales will increase in this way. In the final analysis, it is "hypothetical basis", so there is no guarantee that customers will really increase, nor can there be any guarantee that sales will increase.

However, the creativity of mail order (D2C) online advertising is not the case. Fortunately, because advertising effects can be measured in real time on the basis of the fact that numbers are used, there will be results if they are constantly optimized according to statistical data. It is not easy to measure the effect based on facts, and it is only a risk to fully update the landing page based on assumptions.

Optimize through small transformation rather than overall transformation

In the creativity of mail order (D2C) online advertising, it is very important to make small changes and optimize repeatedly. That is, based on the existing landing page, and according to the results of the Amax B test, improvements are made repeatedly on the basis of facts. This is the most reliable way to continuously improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising.

According to my rule of thumb, the creativity of display advertising is quickly consumed, but the consumption of landing pages is very slow. Among the customers of best-selling online advertising companies, there are also individual mail order (D2C) companies that continue to use the same landing page for more than 10 years while repeatedly making small changes. With regard to the landing page, semi-permanent repetition of small changes over a long span does improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising compared to full updates!

The importance of minor is not limited to the landing page of individual mail order (D2C). From the perspective of the automobile industry, the niche transformation takes place about two years apart, while the full transformation takes place about six years apart. Even for cameras, there is rarely a brand new model, never, such as "00-II", "00-III", on the basis of the same aircraft, there are many small changes made every two years.

These industries often make niche transitions frequently because niche transitions are cheaper and less risky than full transformations. In the case of small changes, according to customers' evaluation, dissatisfaction and requirements of existing products, we will continue to improve to make them more popular with customers. Because in this way, performance and customer evaluation will certainly increase, and sales will not decline extremely.

The minor idea of the single item mail order (D2C) landing page is basically the same. Based on the analysis of the existing landing page, the hypothesis of improving advertising cost-effectiveness is put forward, and the hypothesis is verified by the Amax B test.

ランディングページはフルリニューアルしてはいけない! 広告の費用対効果を上げ続けるにはA/Bテストで「最適化」すべし

As a result, if the cost-effectiveness of advertising increases, if hypotheses are accumulated as a know-how, we can continue to improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising while eliminating unnecessary costs and useless risks!

ABG B test to continue to improve advertising cost-effectiveness

From here, let's show you the ideas and tricks of how to continuously and semi-permanently improve the cost-effectiveness of landing pages through the Amax B test. The Ahand B test is a test that reveals multiple ideas under the same conditions and measures the most effective ideas from the response to them.

Speaking of it, it's like the domestic selection of the Olympic Games. No country will send athletes who are appropriately selected according to their appearance and preferences to participate in the Olympic Games. Similarly, prior to a sudden formal campaign, a small-scale Ahand B test should be implemented and the results should be reflected in the formal campaign.

If you are a person engaged in direct marketing, you must have heard the word "Amap B test" once. It is a marketing method that has existed since the offline era, which is originally a method used to measure the effect of DM. Having said that, we should not underestimate him. Up to now, the Athumb B test is still the strongest method that is short-term and low-cost, and anyone can get the results!

It's very simple. First of all, plan An and plan B are prepared. Just expose them under the same conditions and compare their effects. If Plan An is more effective, then Plan B will be abandoned and Plan C will be reformulated for further comparison.

There is one important thing to do when conducting the Aswab B test. That is to change only the elements you want to compare! For example, in the case of a word copy test, only part of the slogan can be changed. Because if you change the photo and composition (design) at the same time, you don't know whether the slogan is better or the picture is better.

The object elements tested by Amap B are not just "photos", "slogans" and "configuration (design)". The landing page of single item mail order (D2C) has all the elements, such as "icon", "body", "quotation" and "form". Break down the creative elements, decide the theme each time and stack the Amax B test.

The method of establishing important "hypothesis" in A _ hand B Test

In order to improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising in the Ahand B test, it is important to establish assumptions to improve the results on the basis of grasping the status quo.

Like this, in the final analysis, it can also be hypothetical, so come up with ideas to improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising. If there is information obtained from the data, it will also become the material for establishing hypotheses.

Second, only change the elements that you want to compare, and implement a small-scale Amap B test to determine whether the selected hypothesis is correct. And verify the results of the Amax B test and establish further hypotheses. By doing so, the assumption of winning is accumulated as a knack, and by repeating this semi-permanently, the cost-effectiveness of advertising will continue to improve!

The strongest creativity is the combination of strong elements.

So far, the advertising industry has regarded a creative plan as "a finished work". There is a view that "creativity is comprehensive planning through a high level of creativity and taste." If the cost-effectiveness of a creative plan is not good, it will be said that "the work as a whole is not good" and made a brand-new creative plan (as a result, there are a lot of failures. ).

However, there is a big mistake in this way of thinking. In the creativity of direct marketing, especially in the creativity of online advertising, it should be considered that the simple combination of elements such as "strong propaganda", "strong photo" and "strong composition (design)" controls the cost-effectiveness.

It has nothing to do with the fate of creativity. Decompose the elements of a creative plan, and statistically deduce that "which combination of propaganda, photos, composition (design) and other elements is the strongest combination", this is the way to improve cost-effectiveness.

The most creative way to make it cost-effective is really simple. Simply combine all the elements of No.1, such as "the slogan of No.1", "the photo of No.1", "the composition of No.1" and so on.

"Advertising slogan", "photo", "composition (design)" and so on are decomposed into the results of the No.1 B test conducted by various elements. As long as you add the most cost-effective elements of advertising, the cost-effectiveness of advertising will be dramatically improved. This theory is called "creative optimization".

If you continue to "optimize" creativity, the cost-effectiveness of advertising will continue to rise. An artist-oriented advertising agency creator may be angry at this theory, but if you want to continue to improve the cost-effectiveness of online advertising, be sure to create ideas based on this idea.

By optimizing creativity, CV has increased sixfold.

How much will "creative optimization" improve the cost-effectiveness of advertising? I would like to introduce the results verified by a customer in the past.

Compared with "propaganda A", the conversion rate of "propaganda D" is about 2 times higher than that of "propaganda A". The result of the photo test shows that the conversion rate of "photo B" is about 2 times higher than that of "photo A". Compared with "composition (design) A", the conversion rate of "composition (design) C" is about 1.5 times higher than that of "composition (design) A".

After combining the strongest "slogan D", "photo B" and "composition (design) C", compared with the original idea, the conversion rate has increased by about 6.0 times! The improvement of the combination of elements is the most reliable and solid way to continuously improve the cost-effectiveness of online advertising. The conversion rate of ideas is statistical.

Again, if you want to maximize the cost-effectiveness of online advertising, you can't do full updates to landing pages that throw away all previous tricks. Instead of creating new ideas in your decision, do "creative optimization" over and over again based on the results of the Amap B test.

Even with the development of science and technology, "thinking, practice and verification" is also the work of marketers.

By repeatedly doing the Aamp B test, the salesperson can have the idea that "00 is more effective in this case" and "00 at that time is 00, so do it on this basis." Through the ABG B test, it not only accumulates the fact-based know-how based on results, but also sharpens the ability of marketers to "think, practice and verify".

If the salesperson naturally establishes the skills and know-how to practice the Amap B test in his daily business, it is tantamount to having a system to increase sales. As long as repeated verification, until the effect on it, so there will be results. After all, regardless of the evolution of technologies such as big data and marketing automation tools, it is human work to think thoroughly, practice and verify the planning of the sale.

In the end, there is no better way to boost sales than human experience! It is hoped that the sales staff will interpret the customer's insight by repeatedly conducting the Ascarb B test.

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