• 27/05/2022
  • homesmartjp

When continuing to use Windows7 after the end of support, keep in mind: Windows frontline (1 page 2)

 As has been reported, the extended support for "Windows7" will end on January 14, 2020. As predicted at the end of 2019, unless extended measures are taken through "Windows7Extended Security Updates (ESU)" after January 15, warning messages will be displayed on the entire screen of Windows7 to remind users of products that support has been terminated. When BleepingComputer et al introduced it at the end of 2019, it seems that the following picture will appear:

2020年1月15日以降にWindows 7に表示されるサポート終了を告知する警告画面(出典:BleepingComputer、Microsoft)

 On PC USER, Kooda also introduced the form of "sudden out of stock status of Windows10 on the eve of the end of Windows7 support" and "Windows7 end special needs extension of SSD, but price increase promotion". Windows7 support ends special needs.

 On the other hand, the flagship Microsoft Store store in New York, where the author stayed in the interview, was out of touch with the uproar, "ordinary users who didn't realize the end of OS support, did they?" "No visitor will take the inquiry to the clerk (the store would not have seen it sold in the form of Windows OS in the store on the table). Realize once again that the era of "selling the OS of Windows" is over.

Windows 7延長サポート終了1日前の1月13日夜の米ニューヨーク5番街にあるMicrosoft Store旗艦店。前日まで春並みのぽかぽか陽気で、真冬なのに半袖やパンツ1枚で歩くおじさんが見受けられたが、撮影当日はいい感じに冷え込んできた

 This time, at the end of the extended support of Windows7, summarize the matters needing attention after the end.

Windows 7をサポート終了以降も使い続ける場合に覚えておきたいこと:Windowsフロントライン(1/2 ページ)

Continued use of Windows7 will increase the risk

 As mentioned earlier, unless ESU is purchased and extended, support for Windows7 will end on January 14, 2020. The end of support means that "(unless ESU) will not provide security and bug correction related updates after January 14, 2020".

 There is also a summary on the company's FAQ page, after which ordinary users can continue to use Windows7 and install Windows7 on the new PC to activate it. While security updates are acceptable, what is acceptable is the "difference up to January 14, 2020", unable to deal with the latest threats that emerge later.

 Interestingly, with the end of extended support for Windows7, support for "Internet Explorer11" attached to ontology will also be terminated, and the latest "Chromium Edge for Windows7" officially released after January 15 will be available as a support product at least until July 15, 2021, Neowin reported.

 In other words, although support for OS hosts ends, support for Web browsers running on it is expected to be extended by 18 months with the introduction of Chromium Edge. Similarly, Google announced that Chrome for Windows7 will continue to be available until July 15, 2021.

 This is because Microsoft and Google have agreed on support for existing users and formulated a policy of "continuing to support Web browsers as a major component for a transitional period of one and a half years".

Google Cloudのブログページに掲載された告知

 After hearing this, you may think, "what, if there is an extension, Windows7 will still work." However, as Google mentioned in its notification of continued support for Chrome, "in the final analysis, it is a time-limit measure targeting enterprise users" and is not "in a state of proper management of PC" as many ordinary users do.

 For example, Catalin Cimpanu introduced on ZDNet at the end of 2019 that "Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE)" support for free anti-malware from Windows XP to Windows7, a generation of free anti-malware produced by Microsoft, ends at 14:00 in January 2020, just like Windows7, although applications can be installed and updated after the same period. The difference as a countermeasure patch ends on January 14, 2020.

 In other words, MSE as a malware countermeasure does not make sense at this time, and it is necessary to use the "Windows Defender" imported in future generations of Windows8. Currently, only Windows8.1 and Windows10 can use this mechanism, so it is dangerous for users who do not properly manage the environment to continue to use Windows7.

やはり、Windows 10への早めの移行がベスト

