• 25/06/2022
  • homesmartjp

Two new scents are joined in "Rosso Bath", which proposes a reset bath to prepare the mind and body!

A bath tablet series "Rosso Bath", a bath tablet series that can be expected to have a double hot bath effect with domestic Matera ore powder and carbon dioxide that are familiar in bedrock baths.

Far infrared rays are the wavelengths of light that tend to cause resonance resonance with water.

Therefore, heat energy of far -infrared rays tends to be transmitted to the deep part of an object that contains water.It acts and absorbed by the water molecules contained in the cells of the human body, and rides on blood to the extent to be widespread.As a result, the characteristics of "warming up and sustaining to the core of the body" are created.

心と身体を整えるリセット入浴を提案する「ROSSO BATH」に新しい香り2種が仲間入り!

The ROSSO BATH tablet uses the powder of Matera ore that emits a lot of far -infrared rays that can also be expected to have a "beautiful skin effect".※In effect there are individual differences.

Carbon dioxide dissolved in hot water has the effect of expanding blood vessels by being absorbed from the skin.

As a result, blood circulation improves, and the whole body metabolism is promoted, and it warms from the core of the body.The feature is that the body is warm and strong even after the bath.It is said that it is better to take a long bath slowly in a low -temperature bath.※In effect there are individual differences.

冷えた身体にうれしい生姜と柚子の新たな香り2種が仲間入りしました。爽やかなとりたての生姜をイメージした『フレッシュジンジャーの香り』と、爽やかでフルーティーな『柚子の香り』は、ゆったりとした大人のバスタイムにぴったり!大容量30ピースバッグは、パッケージが使いやすくなってリニューアルしました。1錠でも2錠でも、気軽に楽しんでいただけるお得なセットになっています。♦︎ ROSSO BATH タブレット2価格:¥330(税込)パッケージサイズ:W90 × D12 × H174 mm内容量:2錠入り(25g×2pcs)♦︎ROSSO BATH タブレット30pcs BAG価格:¥4,400(税込)パッケージサイズ:W210 × D85 × H210mm内容量:30錠入り(25g×30pcs)発売元株式会社ノルコーポレーション弊社公式オンラインショップ♦︎dayilluwww.ec-nol.jp/▼ROSSO BATH をもっと知りたい方はこちらww.ec-nol.jp/html/page20.html