• 30/08/2022
  • homesmartjp

What is the way of working in the share office?Thorough explanation, including differences from benefits and co -working space

[Supervision] Nobuyuki Inui, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo This article is based on information as of January 2022.

Currently, work styles are being reviewed from various factors, as represented by "work style reform".Furthermore, with the rapid spread of teleworking due to the spread of the new colon virus, many companies and people have come to think about where to work.

In such a society, the idea of regarding all places, such as home, cafes, and hotels, is expanding, regardless of the conventional common sense of "working place = office."The appearance of space such as "share office" and "co -working space" is also part of it.This time, I will explain how the updated "office" is, its possibilities, and precautions.

"Working style" that is reviewed

In recent years, a review of the "working environment", which has been progressing rapidly.Behind this is a variety of factors, such as the declining birthrate and aging population and diversification of values, and the expansion of infectious diseases.


One of the challenges facing Japan is the declining birthrate and aging population.The decline in the working population has caused a serious labor shortage in all industries, and employment shifts from the buyer market to the seller market.

In addition, many people once had the values of "work rather than private", as "Can you fight 24 hours?"However, as the social changes, the values of the workers are diversifying.In 2007, the “Public and private sectors” consisting of representatives of related ministers, companies, unions, and local governments, etc., formulated a “work and life harmony (work / life balance)”, and in recent years.Reforms are going to prevent overwork, such as restricting overtime hours.

In accordance with such situations, each company targets a wider range of people, including women, the elderly, and foreigners, such as tolerance of flexible working hours and expanding options for working areas including home work.We are trying to ensure human resources so that we can prepare an attractive working environment and conditions that fit the values.


With the declaration of an emergency in April 2020, a number of companies have introduced telework and have increased the number of remote workers working from home without commuting.

At the individual level, there are cases where positive effects such as securing leisure time due to the loss of commuting time, immersing in work alone and improving productivity, but at home.There were some negative voices, such as being unable to focus on the work, forcing me to go to work in any situation and feeling inequality.

At the level of organizations such as companies, there were benefits such as reducing fixed costs due to the increase in remote work employees and the need to secure the area of the office on a previous scale, but employees have offices.In some cases, the opportunity to meet each other was reduced, and "decrease in communication", "decline in engagement", "decrease in motivation", etc.


In the previous section, we explained that the review of working styles is progressing due to the declining birthrate and aging population, diversification of values, and corona disasters.As a means of responding to this major change, attention has been focused on reviewing offices from the perspective of "promoting innovation" and "telework and office work hybridization".


In a situation where the diversification and changes in the world accelerates, companies are required to create innovation that is not bound by conventional success models.It is said that it is effective for people with a variety of backgrounds to collaborate while respecting their knowledge, skills, values, etc. as a method of creating innovation.A typical idea as a collaboration method is "open innovation", which creates new ideas by incorporating knowledge and skills from outside people and organizations.In the office as a "place to work," such diversity -in -flooded human resources are physically gathered and designed as a place to match their faces.



Apple requested that he would come to work three days a week from September 2021 (as of January 2022, the postponement was decided indefinitely), and Amazon and Google revealed the plan to increase the office in the office.In order to respond to issues that have been widespread, it can be seen as one of the strategies required for future offices in the headquarters -intensive office work and telework.

In addition, in order to respond to the shortage of working population due to the declining birthrate and aging population, telework will be one of the essential ways to work in order to respond to the shortage of working population due to the declining birthrate and aging population.

Nevertheless, as mentioned above, there are cases where there are problems such as lack of communication depending on the occupation and work content.Therefore, while consolidating and expanding the headquarters office in a highly convenient city, promoting teleworking, setting up a satellite office, contracting with external share offices, and recommending the use of it, ensuring the freedom of working.Isn't it necessary to create a mechanism that promotes communication as needed?


A share office is a membership -based office used not only by the company, but also by users such as freelancers and sole proprietors.Unlike a rental office that contracts with an individual occupied space, it is common to use in a free address format that allows you to work freely in the office.

Power supply, Wi-Fi, printer complex, external display, business card scanner, and other office supplies are available, and there are many share offices that have a conference room for inviting visitors.

[Differences from co -working space] There is no clear difference between the share office and the co -working space, and the service described in conjunction with "share office / co -working space" is not unusual.It may be said that there is a tendency to focus on "co -working (joint work)" and secure a space that is easier to collaborate than share offices.

[Differences from satellite offices] Satellite office is an office located far from the headquarters of the company, as the "satellite -satellite" refers to the headquarters of the company, and in many cases, the headquarters is located in urban areas.A satellite office will be installed, but in recent years it has been installed in a relatively close place to the headquarters to reduce commuting and traveling time.It may be installed for the purpose of saving rent and dispersion of disaster risks.


"ABW (Activity Bass Working)" refers to working styles that freely select places and time depending on the content and mood of the work, and moves not only in the office but also in your home and cafe, and everywhere is used as a workplace.It is a way of using it.The idea has appeared as a new office design philosophy for improving productivity and mental health, but with the advent of recent share offices, etc.Is changing to.

This will allow you to choose a place flexibly according to your business, such as a job you want to concentrate on yourself, a brainstorming that you want to exchange opinions in the open, and a closed meeting.

The difference between a free address and ABW is the idea of "seating", which is "free seats, not fixed seats,", but the latter focuses on "how people are there".It is at the point.It is a concept aimed at improving employees' commitments, not only in physical places, but also in the creation of a place where they are more spiritual.


Available for work -life balance, telework at home, and the use of nearby share offices and satellite offices can reduce commuting time.As a result, you will be able to secure private time such as hobbies, childcare, and nursing care.The possibility that commuting time is a bottleneck and you can not work in your desired work, so you can hire human resources who can not choose to work, and you can also expect the effect of protecting employees from fatigue and stress due to commuting.。

It is said that interaction with diverse human resources, not limited to the company, is effective in realizing the possibility of improving the possibility of innovation.To do so, it may be a good idea to take advantage of not only your office but also shared offices and co -working space.Working in an external environment such as a cafe can make you feel like you can change your mind and create new ideas.


Be careful when using share offices and co -working spaces.The first thing to keep in mind is security.In an environment where an unspecified number of people come and go, there is a risk that the confidential information at work is displayed on the display or conversations on telephone or video conferences can lead to information leakage.You will also need to be careful about physical laptop PCs and tablet terminals.In some cases, additional costs may be incurred by introducing new security tools.

Also, in an environment where an unspecified number of people come and go, the noise of speaking and footsteps may be a concern, or it may be hindered by video conferences and telephones.Depending on the characteristics and business content of the individual, you need to be careful in the working environment.

In addition, compared to the offices that have introduced the equipment required for their business execution, there are cases where share offices and co -working spaces do not have all the necessary equipment.In the case of a cafe, the internet environment may be inferior or that the power supply may not be secured.After all, it is necessary to match the work content and the facilities prepared in the place where work is performed.

In the modern age, when diversity is required, there is no correct answer in the office

In order to respond to the review of work styles, a newly unprecedented office is being explored.In addition to renovating our office, the idea of expanding "working places" outside the company's office, such as using share offices and co -working spaces and introducing ABW, has begun to grow.

It is important to select the optimal form according to the situation of the company and team, the characteristics of human resources, and the business content.


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