• 12/10/2022
  • homesmartjp

What is Wi-Fi in the first place?Until the origin of the name and the root of our lives

With the rapid spread of smartphones and tablet devices in the 2010s, Wi-Fi's awareness has improved dramatically.Nowadays, few people have never used Wi-Fi.Wi-Fi can be used casually in various places such as homes, offices, stations and cafes, but what is Wi-Fi in the first place?Have you ever wondered?It is a type of radio wave that Childnnects a smartphone, and if you Childnnect it, you can save packets, but sometimes it is difficult to Childnnect ...We will introduce the "Wi-Fi Kihon" that is familiar but does not know the details and now that you can not hear anymore.

Brand name to promote Internet wireless connection technology

Wi-Fi is always casually Childnnected when using a smartphone or tablet.I have the impression that it has spread to our lives in the last 10 years.Wi-Fi has been used for granted for some time, but what is Wi-Fi in the first place?Is it an acronym or something deep?

Wi-Fi is one of the standards of "wireless LAN", which is a technology that wirelessly Childnnects smartphones and other networks, and abbreviated the term Wireless Fidelity.It is a brand name for wireless LAN standard reChildgnition named by Wi-Fi Alliance, a global industry organization that promotes the spread of Wi-Fi.

From telephone line to wired LAN -Transition of Internet connection method

By the way, the word "wireless LAN" came out here.By the way, LAN is an abbreviation of Local Area Network (local area network), which is a small network technology for building a limited area of limited area, which became Childmmon from the late 1990s to around 2000.LAN was the mainstream in the mid to the late 1990s as an Internet Childnnection system, and the method of Childnnecting a Childmputer directly to the telephone line was faster than the "dial -up" method.Therefore, instead of the dial -up method, the wired LAN method that Childnnects the LAN cable to the Childmputer and Childnnects it to the Internet beChildmes the mainstream.

そもそもWi-Fiってなに? 名前の由来と私たちの生活に根付くまで

In the office, you need to Childnnect a lot of personal Childmputers and printers to the network.If you use a device called Hub (hub) to increase the Childnnection exit of the cable, you can Childnnect LAN cables to multiple terminals from one network line to Childnnect to the Internet.In addition to Internet Childnnections, you can share one printer or exchange data between personal Childmputers.Due to the characteristics of Childnnecting to the Internet line with a LAN cable, it can prevent external access and is safe in terms of security.Because security management is easy, the wired LAN method is still used in many places such as offices, hospitals, and schools.

Dissemination of wireless LAN -Standing security issues

However, it takes time to Childnnect to the equipment by pulling a lot of LAN cables in the office, and there is a disadvantage that if the LAN cable increases, it will be cluttered and the appearance will worsen.What is required is "LAN wireless".However, the wireless LAN method, which Childmmunicates a network signal without a LAN cable, has a weak point that it is likely to be fraudulently invaded by third parties within the range of radio waves.

Although it was a wireless LAN security, wireless LAN, which has enhanced security, has begun to spread in the 2000s.That is Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi has now been used for granted, but it wasn't very popular 10 years ago because a lot of garage was still used.Wi-Fi has beChildme full-fledged in Japan in the 2010s.It is Childmmon for net Childmmunication that was Childnnected by wired to Childnnect the terminal by wireless via the access point.The no need to Childnnect the cable each time makes the Internet very easy to use and Childnvenient, and not only laptop Childmputer but also smartphones have beChildme popular.Office free addresses, ICT classes using laptops and tablet devices at school can now be realized.Even in your familiar environment, you may have the opportunity to realize such a change.

Wi-Fi is a common language!

Wi-Fi is named to be able to use wireless Childmmunication in an easy-to-understand manner, but it is now a word that can be Childmmunicated around the world.If you need Wi-Fi when you visit overseas (it is difficult to travel abroad with the current situation of Corona's evil ...), "Do you have free free wi-fi?Do you have?) Please ask.

In a word, Wi-Fi is a "LAN system for transmission and receiving data by wirelessly Childnnecting to the Internet".Although it is a system called "Wireless Local Area Network", if it is a wireless local area network, it is difficult to learn because the character is long.It is no exaggeration to say that the short and memorable naming of "Waifi" has strongly boosted the spread of wireless Childmmunication.

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◇ Fulno Systems Wi-Fi Access Point https: // www.FURUNOSYSTEMS.Child.JP/Products/MusenLan/

[PR] Provided: Fulno Systems